What did you think of the Christmas Special?

Surgtek07 Posts: 40 Member
Loved seeing River again, I miss her.


  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    edited February 2016
    Me too. I imagine that whether one likes or dislikes River plays a large part in one's opinion of the episode. Now that Moffat is leaving that is likely to be the last we see of her, which, I think, was the point.

    The look on the Doctor's face when he realized that River believed he didn't love her...wrenching. I think waiting for Capaldi for this rather than having Matt Smith made a big difference to how the scene played. I adore Mat Smith's Doctor, but he always comes off a bit silly to me. (Which is why I love him.) But this was not a silly moment in their relationship. The nuance in Capaldi's performance was masterful. And I could go on and on.

    TL;DR Love River, loved the episode.

    Doesn't hurt that I am also a big Greg Davies fan.

    Edit to add- After the episode we went back and watched Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead. Because, you know, we weren't sad enough already.
  • amorello06
    amorello06 Posts: 4 Member
    I watched an edit of the final scenes from Silence in the Library interwoven with the scenes from the Christmas episode. So sweet.