New to Group

tsalas52 Posts: 6 Member
Hello, my name is Theresa and I just joined your group. Can you explain exactly how this works. Do you post your challenge everyday? I really have been part of MyFitness Pal for several years, but I haven't reached out to members. So I thought it was about time to reach out and hopefully I can get support from others who have a difficult time trying to lose weight. I was doing really great for a couple of years but now I have gained back some of the weight I lost and I want to lose it again to be healthy. I'm not great at motivating myself to do exercise but I do some at home but not consistently. Any help or motivation anybody can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Theresa!


  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    Hello and welcome aboard! I post the challenges everyday as a forum post so that everyone can discuss. If I could I would have it notify you all as a message but I don't have that ability. Basically, I post a challenge and you try to complete it to the best you can. :)

    Everyone here are wonderful and I'm sure you'll find a couple friends to help you out on your weigh-loss journey! You can do it! I believe in you! :D
  • pamelajmcnab
    pamelajmcnab Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, Theresa! I just joined a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, these message boards are kind of clunky for real communication, but it's better than nothing. I guess I have been spoiled by Facebook! lol I, too, am working on being healthy--AGAIN--so you are definitely not alone! Have a great day, guys!
  • tsalas52
    tsalas52 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, I'm glad to have helpers on the weight loss journey.