
lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
Hi guys just wondering what exercises you can do safely and if you use anything special to help you. I am trying to find exercises to do at home


  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    My suggestion is to start with isometric exercises if you are just starting out or have joint instability. I've also had good luck with light weights and weight bands with more repetition instead of heavier weights (2 lbs or less to start). If something hurts STOP do NOT try to work through the pain.

    A small slightly deflated inflatable ball is a great tool to start with. I used to do a lot of walking, but that became dangerous for me. I dislocated my knee putting cinnamon rolls in the oven and my ankle walking down the hallway.

    Strengthening muscles can help hold joints in place, but it must be done slowly and safely. Good luck!
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    I seem to be better than I remember at sit ups ! Did 40 today see how it goes, still practicing push ups just can't for some reason make myself go low enough, dancing with my 4 year old was the most fun thing though wore me out copying his moves.
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    I never could do sit ups or push ups. Gee, after doing that many sit ups, I sure hope you don't hurt tomorrow!

    Never could dance either, I have 0 rhythm, zip, zilch, nada. LOL
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    I have always loved dancing not perfect but pretty agile. Off to try bit of Pilate's now . I'll be careful
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    Might of over extended feet pointing so cut it a bit short will do again tomorrow
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    Just remember not to over do it. :) So glad you are able to get started on this! Make sure to have fun while you're at it.
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    Belly dancing was fun did half hour using a you tube video for beginers will do that again, I am now committed to getting fit and healthy for free at home , squeezing exercises in where I can around kids.
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    :smiley: Remember to keep it fun, the more fun you have the more you are apt to keep with it. PS Don't under eat either. I did that for years, and the less I ate, the more I weighed. I'm currently working on getting my calorie intake up to where it belongs. I've gone from 800 calories a day up to 1800. It's taken me since 2012 to now to get up that high.

    I dislocated my shoulder a couple of weeks ago when I picked up my empty pocketbook... so also remember not to try to do too much too soon!
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    I will try to be sensible , glad your working on your calorie intake that's a big improvement !