How to repair bad start to Monday morning.

I had a really rough wknd, tired, emotional, some conflict in relationships, etc. I ate a healthy breakfast at home, drank a bunch of water. Then on my drive to work started thinking about things and ended up buying a donut at a gas station on the way to work. I even felt semi-ok about it, until I got to MFP to log it and saw that it was 400 whopping calories. What was I thinking? That was nearly a 3rd of my day. Now I feel like I have already screwed up and it's barely 9am.....YET the healthy me knows that I need to just make the next healthy choice and not throw the day away. Anything you guys do to get immediately back on track after an impulsive or binge eating event? Thanks.


  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Do not let one thing set you back. Mistakes happen, just try to put it behind you and make better choices throughout the day. It is ok to treat yourself and one doughnut will not derail you. Just make sure to not dwell on the calories, and stay positive and enjoy the treat you gave yourself.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    the healthy me knows that I need to just make the next healthy choice and not throw the day away.

    You answered you own question. If the 400 calories will fit... that's your breakfast. If it doesn't... if you go 400 calories over for one day.... what's that going to do? Nothing. We're too bent on the numbers here, and that's the main cause of all our grief. I'm convinced of that.

  • letgoorbedragged
    letgoorbedragged Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks friends.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    How did the rest of your day go?
  • letgoorbedragged
    letgoorbedragged Posts: 23 Member
    Midday was fine, but big binge tonight.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    That's great that midday was fine though! I find that once I start bingeing, I can't stop. So if I start the day with a binge, I feel completely screwed. Even if you binged at night, you should acknowledge the victory of not bingeing between morning and evening!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    There is no linear thing that works for everyone. Be happy that the morning treat did not lead to an all day binge. Remember to celebrate the small victories and learn from them. I am sorry to hear about the night time binge, do you know what caused it?