Week 2 Daily Check-In Thread for April (Monday Aprill 11th through Sunday April 17th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Lets go week 2!


  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 2 Day 1: (I posted this on last weeks thread on accident)

    So far for today I have done -

    75 High Knees (each leg)
    75 Butt Kicks (each leg)
    75 Jumping Jacks
    (3) 35 Second Planks
    (3) 40 Second Planks
    (7) Sets of 20 Squats
    (7) Sets of 12 Lunges

    This is the workout for my 30 day challenge for today and yesterday because I took a rest day, and the squats and lunges are just because :) I may or may not do some stuff after work ...but I think I am pretty happy with what I have done today, legs feel like jello lol
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for organizing this Heather! :) Did you workout before you went to work this morning? That's awesome! I used to workout before work until I started sleeping terribly. I need to get back to morning workouts too!

    I have all my meals planned for the day and mostly prepped as well. I'm planning on cardio only again today as my neck and back are still giving me grief. I miss my weighted workouts! :/

    I'll check back later for accountability and to report how I did today. Have an awesome day everyone! :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Thanks for organizing this Heather! :) Did you workout before you went to work this morning? That's awesome! I used to workout before work until I started sleeping terribly. I need to get back to morning workouts too!

    I have all my meals planned for the day and mostly prepped as well. I'm planning on cardio only again today as my neck and back are still giving me grief. I miss my weighted workouts! :/

    I'll check back later for accountability and to report how I did today. Have an awesome day everyone! :)

    It's my pleasure! I always do better when I am a member of a group :) I used to wake at 4 am everyday to go to the gym and get my workout in before work but
    I found that I was missing out on a lot of things in the evenings because I had to make myself wake so early so I quit. I now find things to do with no equipment at work throughout the day lol I miss weights too! I have plenty of dumbbells at home from when I use to do CLX so I plan on getting back into that again as well.

    Planning is key! Kick some butt today!
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    I see....that's a great idea working it into your day! There's so much we can do without equipment and still get in a solid workout. Awesome idea!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    I'm checking in.... Having tremendous cravings for sweets... I suspect my period is a-comin'!!!! By the life of me, I can't remember when I'm due.... ={ but judging by the sweet tooth and my moodiness... Uh huh, yeah! I had 2 semi-sweet chocolate chips... Hahaha, didn't help! Downing the water now.... Not really helping.... I have been very good at working out daily (spinning or running in the treadmill, plus stretching and some weight lifting).... Someone come to my house and hide the chocolate chips, ppppuuuhhhhllleeeeaaassseeee!!!! :P
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    NadiaMayl wrote: »
    I'm checking in.... Having tremendous cravings for sweets... I suspect my period is a-comin'!!!! By the life of me, I can't remember when I'm due.... ={ but judging by the sweet tooth and my moodiness... Uh huh, yeah! I had 2 semi-sweet chocolate chips... Hahaha, didn't help! Downing the water now.... Not really helping.... I have been very good at working out daily (spinning or running in the treadmill, plus stretching and some weight lifting).... Someone come to my house and hide the chocolate chips, ppppuuuhhhhllleeeeaaassseeee!!!! :P

    When I am having a sweet craving I get a small spoon of peanut butter with about 5 chocolate chips on it followed by a big gulp of milk and that always cures it lol But since I have for the most part cut sugar out of my diet (besides grapefruit juice) I really do not get cravings that often......it's weird
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    My day is going really well. NadiaMayl, I feel for you. my TOTM started today, and I'm in some serious pain. I dipped my finger into a container of frosting. lol I get a terrible sweet tooth as well!

    Other than the Tablespoon of frosting I scooped out, I'm on track today. I just got back on the wagon about a week or so ago give or take. At first I couldn't stay on track, was starving all the time, etc. Each day I'm finding it a little bit easier. I just got a gym membership on Sunday, and once my pain lifts I'm going to start going at least 3 times a week, and I want to work up to 5 times a week.
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    I lost another .5 in off my waist and 2 lbs on my weigh in today! Feeling pretty good but I have slacked on both my 30 day challenge and my Shred videos. MY GOAL this week is to get back on the exercise kick that's been helping me to feel better. You ladies motivate the sh** out of me!! THANKS!!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @heatherc369 I know what you mean... A few years back I had to do a sugar detox diet for a few months... Once you're off of sugar you never crave it again!
    @AZLisaLou hahaha I nearly dipped my finger in my kids' Nutella.... I resisted the temptation!
    @Ktmc132 way to go!!
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all :) I'm having a good day today. My nutrition was on point and I got in 40 minutes on the elliptical. My neck and back have been giving me trouble and I have a weight workout scheduled for tomorrow. I may try to do it, but may switch up some stuff for body weight to lighten it up a bit until I'm feeling better.

    I don't crave sweets with TTOM is here....but don't get me near a bag of chips or a bowl of pasta with a garlic cream sauce!! Oh my!!! Yummy!! ;)
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @LilDebbieG71 it sounds like you've had a pretty good day. Me too! I'm pretty excited because it's nutritionally the best day I've had in I don't know how long.

    I always do better when I'm involved with supportive people. :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing good!

    @AZLisaLou Congrats on the gym membership! I sure miss going to the gym, hope you enjoy it :)

    @Ktmc132 Get your butt in gear girl, I need my 30 day Challenge partner back!

    @NadiaMayl It sure is a good feeling :)

    @LilDebbieG71 I give you props girl, that elliptical is the devil! lol

    I forgot to check in about my day yesterday, eating was on point, made something different because I was boring the fam with my whole chicken and veggies every night for the past 3 months so we had chicken tacos with these really good fat free 100 calorie tortillas..yum!

    I did Day 13 of the 30 day challenge in addition to -
    (10) sets of 20 Squats
    (4) Sets of 12 Lunges
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @heatherc369 what brand tortillas are 100 calories and where did you find them?? 200 squats? holy cow!

    My scale is down! It was down yesterday but I thought it might be a fluke. Checked and it's still down today. woot woot! My "official" weigh in for the week is on Friday so we'll see how it is then. As of right now it's almost 1.5 lbs down.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    edited April 2016
    @AZLisaLou I got them at Walmart "La Banderita - fat free soft taco tortillas" But they are pretty big for "soft taco" tortillas, we made mini burritos with them too lol

    Congrats girl! I weigh in on Fridays too, since I tend to slip up n the weekends lol

    ETA: they are actually 105 Calories lol
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    edited April 2016
    @AZLisaLou you cal Also check La Abuela or Tia Cristina. They sell them at Walmart (at least in Texas), in the fridge section. I like them because they're pre cooked and really thin.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    I had to take mom to neurologist appointment. Results were as I expected but I was hoping for better (mild cognitive disorder possibly beginning of dementia). Sigh. I ate well and when I got home I actually felt like burning some of the ugly stress on the treadmill (doesn't happen often, hehe) followed by some kettle bell strength training.
    Also, I have book club tonight!!! Always too much food and wine!!!! Tonight is pizza, I'm going prepared not to eat any and have a drink instead! I'll eat the veggies and fruit salad (which is my part of the potluck)!!! I hope I can stay strong to my plan, it's always my struggle!!
    At least I have a few extra calories to spare with my workout today!!! :)
    Glad to see everyone is doing well!!!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @NadiaMayl i am so sorry about your mom :( And I hope you kept your willpower at your book club!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    So yesterday my eating was on point, as with most weekdays..... I did get in a little exercise here and there-

    (1) Set of 10 Squat & Kicks
    (1) Set of 10 Side Kicks Per Leg
    (1) Set of 10 Side Lunges Per Leg
    (1) Set of 10 Crunches
    (2) Sets of 10 Sit-Ups
    (8) Sets of 20 Squats
    (8) Sets of 20 Lunges
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @NadiaMayl i am so sorry about your mom :( And I hope you kept your willpower at your book club!

    Thanks, Heather! Willpower was somewhat strong, hehe... Only one slice of pizza, no crust, no sweets, tiramisu or cookies...
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis :(
    @heatherc369 good job on the exercises you got in!

    I'm very sad because I started having smoothies with my daughter every morning with added protein powder and flaxseed meal and it gave me lots of protein and fiber. This morning I was putting the blender back on the base and dropped it and it shattered all over the floor. My husband was pretty cranky when he got home. I was hoping he'd give me the money to buy another one. I said, "Sami and I have been having smoothies every morning for breakfast." He said, "Not anymore." :( And my steam mop broke as well. Hopefully he'll get me a new blender and steam mop for my birthday coming up.

    I'm a smidge over calories today, but I still feel pretty good about what I've been doing. I'm actually looking forward to weigh in day tomorrow.
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