Week 2 Daily Check-In Thread for April (Monday Aprill 11th through Sunday April 17th)



  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    AZLisaLou wrote: »
    @NadiaMayl so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis :(
    @heatherc369 good job on the exercises you got in!

    I'm very sad because I started having smoothies with my daughter every morning with added protein powder and flaxseed meal and it gave me lots of protein and fiber. This morning I was putting the blender back on the base and dropped it and it shattered all over the floor. My husband was pretty cranky when he got home. I was hoping he'd give me the money to buy another one. I said, "Sami and I have been having smoothies every morning for breakfast." He said, "Not anymore." :( And my steam mop broke as well. Hopefully he'll get me a new blender and steam mop for my birthday coming up.

    I'm a smidge over calories today, but I still feel pretty good about what I've been doing. I'm actually looking forward to weigh in day tomorrow.

    Oh @AZLisaLou I am so sorry, sounds like a sucky day! Bbblllaaaggghhhh with your hubby's mood, surely he was just having an off day, but it would've been nice if he just gave you a hug and said something supportive instead! Did the entire thing break or just the glass? Could you maybe look on eBay for a replacement if it was only the glass? Or search in your local craigslist for a secondhand one while you can replace it? Tomorrow will be better!
  • mountainponies
    mountainponies Posts: 13 Member
    @NadiaMayl I'm sorry your mother is ill but congratulations on your awesome decision-making during what must be an incredibly stressful time (willpower is finite--you made a choice to eat in moderation and it's choices like these that will lead to success so, again, well done!)
    @AZLisaLou I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day! That really sucks. I know you'll find another special meal to share with your daughter. Maybe fruit parfaits? We use regular clear juice glasses and my nieces love building the layers with flax, hemp seed, fruit, and a little yogurt.

    I, myself, had a rough day with the little one but did okay food wise. Clocked in slightly under my calories but would have liked more veggies. I'm finding bread (pita, tortilla, sandwich bread) is still my go to for food I can grab quickly but even though I put avocado or hummus on it I'd prefer to eat fewer complex carbs and add more veg. I think what I really need to do is make time to prep veggies in the evening but, man oh man, I am usually exhausted and spend my free time washing bottles and baby clothes. So, you know what? I'm going to give myself a break for now and just be happy I didn't eat an entire bar of toffee chocolate that I found in my cupboard.
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    I have gone to water Zumba the last 2 nights and love it! It's great for another medical condition I have and they have it3 days a week so I'm in. Only added in 1/2 hour exercise time since its water Zumba not regular. I'd rather undershoot exercise cals. I ate pretty healthy today and LOVED my grilled chin salad I made at work, just grazed fruit and cheese for dinner and it was delish! Check of another good day! Way to go everyone..it's small victories one day at a time because life keeps coming at us. <3
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @AZLisaLou Girl you couldn't catch a break yesterday could you? I am sure today will be better for you, keep your head up!

    @mountainponies you did good, and everyday is a new day! Prepping and planning is your best friend when it comes to losing weight!

    @Ktmc132 Water Zumba? I have never heard of it...but sounds fun :) Is it at your gym?

    Yesterday I was on point food wise, got my 30day challenge done and a little extra

    (1) Set of 15 Squat & Kicks
    (1) Set of 15 Side Kicks Each Leg
    (1) Set of 15 Side Lunges Each Leg
    (1) Set of 15 Crunches
    (1) Set of 15 Bicycle Crunches
    (1) Set of 15 Sit-ups
    (2) Sets of 7 V-Ups (Ouch!)
    (8) Sets of 20 Squats
    (8) Sets of 20 Lunges
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Eeekk... A few months ago I kept thinking "Once life gets back to normal, I will be able to -fill in the blank-...". That was the wrong way of thinking... life is always throwing curve balls, and challenges. Life is as is and I am not getting back to 'whatever image I had of whatever normal is supposed to be'... does that make sense? When the kids are no longer sick, when life is not as rushed, when we are not overscheduled, when the kids get older, when I'm not as tired...
    And then I realized, suck it up, buttercup!! This is as good as it gets (And it's pretty darned good), learn flexibility, adjust and don't give up! I think, this has been may lesson in my 38th-39th year of life and I'm running with it!
    For today, I'm doing AWSOME, I'm keeping myself fit, I'm keeping up with my healthy eating, I am learning not to beat myself over a day in which my choices were a little koo-koo (Notice how I didn't say "bad choices"!?), because life is cyclical, up and down, some days are good, some are challenging, some months are fantastic, and then it hits you on the head with a big, fat, rubber hammer... and that, my dears, is LIVING!!
    This week has been GOOD!!!! Have a peaceful, blessed, and challenge-free day, my health-warrior sisters!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @NadiaMayl Amen Sister!!! 100% Truth right there!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    @NadiaMayl exactly on point! We have to make choices today no matter the outside circumstances.. it's never the perfect time but today is always the right time. And I love the koo-koo choices comment.. beating myself up does more harm than good. I'm finding out that taking care of myself is an act of love and how can I love myself if I'm constantly beating myself up. I have a friend that says "time to put the bat down and give yourself a hug!"

    @heatherc369 I don't currently have a gym, I found this class offered through the city. It is very fun!! Water definitely adds a unique resistance to exercise that I really love. I am learning that working out has to be fun.. or I won't keep it up. I'm also learning that I like variety.. riding bikes, swimming, HIIT, walking, hiking, weights. I like getting in my exercise while living an active life.. I'm not sure I would be able to handle the gym grind. But I am interested in heavy weight lifting so I might have to give it a try as soon as I'm done losing and ready for recomp.
    Keep up the great work ladies! TGIF!!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @mountainponies not eating a chocolate toffee bar is a big win! Prepping does take a lot of time, but it sure is worth it. I'm bad at prepping as well, but when I do I always wonder I don't do it more often lol.

    @Ktmc132 water zumba sounds fun! I agree that it has to be fun. That's one of the reasons I have to force myself to exercise...it's just so dang boring. Sounds like you have a lot of activities you like and will fit in with an active lifestyle.

    @heatherc369 great job on the exercising!

    @NadiaMayl you are oh so right! everything you said about "I'll do this when..." etc. is right on point. I have to learn to just do it as well. Life is not going to get any easier. So glad you are having a good week.

    I did not want to go to the gym last night (just got a membership the other day), but I forced myself to. I got on the dreadmill and lasted 27 minutes at 2.4mph. I went a whole mile!!!! For me, being 5'2" and 259lbs (short little legs and a very big body), that is a very big deal. It was made a little easier by the fact that the treadmill has a tv on it and I was able to watch my Dbacks play ball for a little while. That sure did help. If the tv hadn't been there, I honestly don't know if I'd have pushed myself so hard to finish that mile. Walking is so boring!

    Question....how fast should your heart rate be while exercising? Mine was 140-146, and I don't know if that's good or bad. I guess I could google it, but I'd prefer actual conversation.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou people always make fun of me when I tell them "I don't run!! do you have any idea how much effort it is to move these tree trunks I have for legs?" hehehe... all my runner friends have nice, slender leggies.... mine, uuhhmmm not so much... hehe no joke, it's hard to move big legs!! So good job for achieving your mile!! It IS a big deal!! =) You'll start to notice that it gets a bit easier every week!! A heart rate of 140-146 should be fine as long as you are not getting dizzy... the way you can monitor that you are still ok is if you are able to say 2-3 words before taking a breath. I go all the way up when I'm doing a spin class... I peak at maximum effort at around 165-170 and stay with vigorous effort for 25-40 minutes at 145-160bpm... heart rate is very dependent on individual capabilities. Just make sure you never let yourself get dizzy or short of breath.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @Ktmc132 that's awesome! I wonder if my city does stuff like that? i will have to look into it :)

    @AZLisaLou Get it girl! start off slow, you def want to push yourself but not too hard especially at first. I personally would Start off at 2.0 on the treadmill for few mins then gradually increase or decrease as needed. Maybe set some goals...like first goal could be 2.5 for a minute or 2 then back down...do that for awhile then set it for a few mins longer...until your whole half hour is at the higher speed then add in burst that are lets say 2.8...and so on...also don't forget about the power of the incline!
  • mountainponies
    mountainponies Posts: 13 Member
    @AZLisaLou, @NadiaMayl is right that heart rate is individual but you might give this heart rate training zone calculator a whirl to see if it helps you at all. This one has the DIY formula and a max heart rate calculator at the end. And good work going to the gym and finishing a good workout. Feels pretty good, no?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    All about attitude and how we train our brains to think about ourselves!!!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    LMAO @NadiaMayI

    Today my eating was on point, got my challenge done and a little extra . I am trying to get the hubby and kiddos to go hiking tomorrow but we will see lol

    (1) Set of 20 Squat & Kicks
    (1) Set of 20 Side Kicks Each Leg
    (1) Set of 20 Side Lunges Each Leg
    (1) Set of 20 Crunches
    (1) Set of 20 Bicycle Crunches
    (2) Set of 20 Sit-ups
    (2) Sets of 10 V-Ups (Ouch!)
    (10) Sets of 20 Squats
    (10) Sets of 20 Lunges
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all :) I've been pretty much on track this week....I say pretty much because I went over yesterday on calories, but otherwise I've stuck to my plan. The scale is moving in the right direction so I'm happy about my progress this week! My neck and back are still not right though which is making exercise hard....but I did manage to do all my planned workouts! I think I need to see my MD this week because the chiro and massage are just not helping.

    @NadiaMay1 Love that quote!!
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Me again! I don't always get a chance to check in here each day....although I do try! :) If any of you are looking for more friends to check in with, please add me! :) I find it easier to keep up with the news feed than the forums.
  • mountainponies
    mountainponies Posts: 13 Member
    Baby not sleeping, husband out of town for a week so I'm on my own, PMSing. Good thing I made a delicious healthy soup last night because all I want to do is eat my feelings.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @LilDebbieG71 keep up the good work. Frustrating to have pain but keep at it carefully. Hopefully your doctor will get you some relief.

    @mountainponies it's the toughest when the husbands travel and you're home with babies! Soup sounds like a good strategy!!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @NadiaMayl thanks for the info on the heart rate question I asked. I can completely relate with you on the tree trunk legs. lol. Why did I just hear in my head "I'm a little teapot short and squat" not stout...squat. haha.

    @heatherc369 that's a really good idea about adjusting the speeds. I started out at 1.5, which was barely a crawl. I increased it until I got to 2.3 or 2.4, I can't remember. I should try going faster in bursts. I don't dare try the incline yet! lol I'm definitely not there. I'll get there though.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @mountainponies thank you for the heart rate calculator link. Really good information. It looks like I was right on target with my walking. You posted that you want to eat your feelings....is today any better? I've been doing that this weekend, and it's been rough. I hope things have settled down for you!

    @heatherc369 did you get to go hiking?

    @LilDebbieG71 good for you for having a good week and persevering through the pain. Just be careful not to make it worse. I hope the doc can help you find relief!

    @NadiaMayl lmao love love love the quote!

    I've had a very rough weekend. I'm not going to go into all the gory, calorie-filled details. Suffice it to say I am not proud of myself. I've been feeling really down and I'm an emotional eater. Today I did great all day until hubs brought home a box of donuts that I simply can't say no to. That was my downfall today. Tomorrow I'll be on a 12 hour car trip, so it will probably be a muffin for breakfast, skip lunch and fast food for dinner. Sucks, but that's just the way it is. I could plan to take along healthy things, but honestly I just didn't feel like going to the grocery after spending hours in the car today as well. I'm not making excuses, it's more of matter-of-fact this is what it is, and Monday starts a new day, a new week and a new start (again). I swear one of these times I'll get it right!!!

    Oh, also, my daughter and I share a blender of smoothie every morning. A really healthy recipe of fruit, yogurt, kale, juice, almond milk, protein powder and flaxseed meal. They're delicious. But, the other day I dropped the blender pitcher on the floor and it shattered into a million pieces. No more smoothies. :( I'm hoping to get a new blender for my birthday this week. We'll see.

  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    sorry to repeat myself about the blender story...I'm getting senile in my ripe old age of 44.
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