Let's introduce ourselves , calling each other by real name. Or you would prefer to be anonymous.

stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
When I was saying that nobody will be left behind, I meant it.
We have to get to know each other a little.
Do you want to do it or stay anonymous?


  • karenenriquez1225
    karenenriquez1225 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen. I am about 5'5" and I have a goal of 135ish lbs. I am currently 153lbs. I don't usually struggle losing the weight . Maintenance is a different story. I really do well when I am in a group and can cheer/encourage others. We are all going to reach our goals!!!!
  • lls5111
    lls5111 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi friends

    I'm Lisa, from upstate NY. I'm 53, and 216.5 pounds in a 5 foot 4 inch frame.
    I started in again January but my heart wasn't in it. March is really when I began, since then I have lost 10 pounds.

    Its gonna be slow for me to lose, I don't get as much exercise as a want and need. I have a knee replacement scheduled for June 13. I want to get as much off as possible.
  • FitMeBetter
    FitMeBetter Posts: 64 Member
    I joined MFP a while back, using it on-and-off, but have never participated in a group. I joined my first group earlier this morning, but it doesn't appear to be active. When I came across this group, and read some of your posts, I got excited! I look forward to being part of the fun and encouragement that we can offer each other.

    My name is Maggie. I am 51, and 5'2." My goal is to lose 30-35 lbs. I lost 17 last year, and managed to gain them all back, plus tax.
    I'm married, have three adult children and currently care for my parents full-time. (Stress)
    Looking for friends who would like to walk with me on this journey. (You'll notice I didn't say run! Lol!)
  • shawna_25
    shawna_25 Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello everyone,

    I'm Shawna, from Toronto, Canada, 27 years old, and stand at 5'6". My heaviest weight was about 180lbs. In 2014, thanks to MFP, I was able to drop 30lbs and get down to 150.
    At the beginning of 2015 I dropped to 146, where I felt happy. But unfortunately, towards the end of the year, I fell into depression and begun eating my feelings.

    I restarted my weight-loss journey on April 7th 2016. I work out at the gym 4 or more times per week for 45-75 mins per session, and incorporate plenty of water, fruit and vegetables into my diet. Since then, I have lost 6lbs, I am currently 168lbs. My goal is to get down to 140 by July 1st (lose approx. 10lbs per month). I finally feel committed and ready to get the body I deserve, and boy do I feel it coming!!
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Alyssa! I'm 23 years old, 5'7" and currently weight 209.8 pounds. My heaviest weight (that I know of) was 235 in April 2015. I started switching to drinking iced green tea (no sweetener) every day rather than my Starbucks lattes and when I started law school in the fall, I was 225.

    I got down to like 218 and was right back up to 226 when I decided to use MFP at the end of February (a close friend has lost 76+ pounds).

    Anyways, I'm a full time student and have a goal weight of 150 by end of December of this year in time for my big family vacation (60 pounds to go!). It's a hefty goal, but I'm loving how motivated I am!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    We will do it!
    60 lbs will be gone!
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Upendra from India, I am 29 years old, 5'7" height and currently my weight is 253lbs. Never been on a strict diet or excercise but i ignored my weight issue dont have any health issues always prefer to take natural products. Since march i am eating on less amount so i started to do research there i found MFP after joining and learning about these weightloss, success stories, I strongly thought to change myself to be healthy with normal weight.

    Since a week i started my journey of weightloss by taking with in the calorie and walking i love it alot. Hope we will reach our destinations with dedication and hardwork. My current goal is to 230lbs.
  • kriskrossness
    kriskrossness Posts: 152 Member
    Heya everyone!!
    I'm Krissy. I've been a member of MFP for four years but never really used it until recently. I'm 28, with three kiddos ten and under. Between the age of 15 and 24 I weighed just about 200 lbs, then the past four years it slowly increased to the 250s. I'm lost a bit and am down to 241. My long term goal is 150lbs.
  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm Phyllis. I'm 36 from southern New Jersey. I've been on MFP for a couple years, off and on but have taken logging food and exercise seriously at the end of last year. I am currently 263 pounds, looking to lose 30 pounds by my birthday (July 31st). I'm into clean eating and recently cut out flour, sugar, and alcohol from my diet.
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't read the instructions when I posted--I gave you the start weight (247) and current (241.6) but I didn't say we are aiming for 165. So, 82 pounds total. I set a goal of 2 pounds a week. This should happen by January 15, 2017.
  • peridotpumpkin2203
    peridotpumpkin2203 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Ellie, I once weighed in at 18st 12lb.. Currently at 16st 12lb with a long way to go!
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    I answered this below but I will do it here too... In Karee, I'm 53 and I have 4 grown kids, an 8year old grandson and I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for another one! So far I love this group and can't wait to see how we progress!!