newbie-ish looking for friends

isa75 Posts: 156 Member
I did NRLW for a while a couple of years ago. I loved the progress I was making but then just fell off for all the usually blah-blah-blah excuses.

I started up on this program as I really like the simplicity and that it is easier to slip into my schedule.

If anybody (especially other weak-lings or newbies like me) wants to be friends please add me and we can encourage each other to get strong!

My stats:
Me: 40yo female
Looking to lose 25lbs of fat (gain however much muscle it takes).

Beginning#/Current# (2weeks):
Squat 55/75
Bench 45/55
Row 50/65
OH 45/55
Deadlift 95/105

I do some boxing (cardio not fighting) on two of my non-lift days for cardio.


  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2016
    Me! I'm starting Monday! I'll be 30 in a few weeks and am hoping to lose another 25lbs of fat and gain some strength! I did some squats tonight and am sooo excited to really get started!
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    I finished day 4 tonight. Feel free to aDD me.
  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    Finished day 1 and loved it! Soo excited to see some changes after the next few months!
  • theestuebchen
    theestuebchen Posts: 8 Member

    I did NROLFW too. loved the result, but all those diffrent exercises and stages were too much for me. Did some SS but stopped for a reason I can't remeber. Did strongcurves and realized that I would like to have more of a no brainer than all those different exercise to remmber. felt strange running around with that book all the time during a workout.

    Now I joined a gym and started Stronglifts last week.

    In 32, 5'5" and 139 lbs. wanna drop my bf from 25 to 20% and getting strong. Goal: bw squat / 50% bw BP / 1.5 BW DL

    Squat 20kg
    Bench 20 kg
    Row 20 kg. (Barbell on safty bars as any more weight eas just too much for my back. also doing standing row instread of pendlay row as used in the program)
    OHP 20 kg
    Deadlift 40 kg

    I do Yoga, WingTsun and Boxing (sandbag only) on my days off. :smile: