Week 3 Daily Check-In Thread for April (Monday Aprill 18th through Sunday April 24th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Lets go week 3!!!


  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wow! Week 3 already!!! Cramps suck, and that's all I gotta say about that! And we're flooding in the Houston area, so no driving to spin for me today! But still, nothing will stop meeeee. Hahaha therefor, stinking treadmill, you and I have a date to hang for an hour....
    Go for it, ladies!!!!rlu6upbxkw1u.jpeg
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Oh and I WILL blame cramps for not making the greatest choices yesterday!!! Hehehe
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @NadiaMayl I have family in Houston! My sister and her husband cannot get out of their neighborhood so they got the day off work and my cousin had to go help a friend who was stuck in his car in waist deep water! I hope you stay safe out there! I will be out there in June and I hope its not like this lol
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @heatherc369 we are safe. We're in the 'burbs in a no-flood area, but kids got day off and husband decided not to drive to the office... The highways are pretty bad. It's a good, lazy, day!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @NadiaMayl Well enjoy it girl!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I did very well eating yesterday, and I also started a new workout program with hubby :) It's an ap called 8fit, you should def check it out! Yesterdays workout was only 10 mins, comes with videos and music! We both loved it!

    So for exercise I did -

    8 Fit Time interval-Full Body for 10 Mins (At Home)

    (1) Set of 25 Squat & Kicks (At Work)
    (1) Set of 25 Side Kicks Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 25 Side Lunges Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 25 Crunches (At Home)
    (1) Set of 25 Bicycle Crunches (At Home)
    (1) Set of 25 Sit-ups (At Home)
    (11) Sets of 20 Squats (At Work)
    (11) Sets of 20 Lunges (At Work)
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @heatherc369 220 squats and lunges??? That's amazing!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Made it to Spin class regardless of flooded streets and school still being cancelled! Last four days have been a little tougher and I have been 'straying' a bit from precise nutrition... these days of the month just kick my butt! Hoping the 'funk' wears out after a good night sleep tonight!! Our school district just announced YET one more day of classes being cancelled... sigh... at least my kids are old enough to be left for an hour to make it to the gym... Just tired this week!!! =)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @AZLisaLou yes! Must do both! Hubby says he's sad that as I am losing weight I am losing my *kitten* lol got to build up those muscles lol

    @NadiaMayl Each day is a new fresh start....make it count!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Eating was on point, rough night last night with my 6 year old trying to act like a 15 year old but still got my workout in!

    8 Fit Tabata Core Legs for 10 Mins (At Home)

    (1) Set of 30 Squat & Kicks (At Work)
    (1) Set of 30 Side Kicks Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 30 Side Lunges Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 30 Crunches (At Home)
    (1) Set of 30 Bicycle Crunches (At Home)
    (1) Set of 20 Sit-ups (At Home)
    (9) Sets of 20 Squats (At Work)
    (9) Sets of 20 Lunges (At Work)
    (3) Sets of 10 V-Ups
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    I had to dig out some skinnier jeans from storage this week! Yay! Still have 1 size down left in my stockpile. Not going to buy new ones until I reach my goal of 129lbs.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @Ktmc132 way to go! how exciting to get to a size lower. Enjoy your new size!
  • AZI1983
    AZI1983 Posts: 22 Member
    I fell off the wagon, big time! At least with food. I still exercised. But let's just say, it's dangerous to keep frosting.in your fridge and cake in your cupboards! Oy vey....
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    @Ktmc132 Gota love it! I am doing the same thing lol I kept 3 dif sizes of jeans as i grew out of them and slowly I am fitting back into all of them....

    @AZI1983 Its a new day girl, do your best to rid yourself from temptation then before you know it, those old temptations will not be as bad as before :)
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    AZI1983 wrote: »
    I fell off the wagon, big time! At least with food. I still exercised. But let's just say, it's dangerous to keep frosting.in your fridge and cake in your cupboards! Oy vey....

    @AZI1983 its good that you kept up the exercise!!! Don't throw in the towel.. its a new day! I have quit keeping those major temptations in the house. My kid is happy with berries, sugar-snap peas, cheese, yogurt.. a number of healthy snacks that I know I wont be tempted to binge on. I figure its part of teaching her to eat healthier so maybe she wont have the same struggles I have had with weight. She doesn't complain anymore.. usually.. lol!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Yesterday was another good eating day, scale still keeps bouncing back and forth *sighs*

    I am really loving this new 8 fit ap I got! Hubby and I are both using it daily!

    8 Fit Paleo Run Full Body for 10 Mins (At Home)

    (1) Set of 35 Squat & Kicks (At Work)
    (1) Set of 35 Side Kicks Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 35 Side Lunges Each Leg (At Work)
    (1) Set of 35 Crunches (At Home)
    (1) Set of 35 Bicycle Crunches (At Home)
    (2) Set of 10 Sit-ups (At Home)
    (7) Sets of 20 Squats (At Work)
    (7) Sets of 20 Lunges (At Work)
    (7) Sets of 20 Wall-Push-Ups (At Work)
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all! Just a quick check in to say hi and report that I'm still on track! I have been struggling to get on here daily to check in...I'll have to remedy that! ;)

    @AZLisaLou HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a great day! :smiley:
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I was starting to wonder where you were @LilDebbieG71
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Spinning completed! Craving Indian, so I decided to learn how to make an aromatic rice and tikka masala chicken! Gotta say, first attempt, very tasty!
    Good to read you again, @LilDebbieG71 !
    And happy birthday, @AZLisaLou !--how did we know it's her bday?!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @LilDebbieG71 Thanks so much Debbie! I appreciate you!

    @NadiaMayl I learned how to make tikka masala, and although not quite authentic, it was dang good! Now you got me thinking about it. Thank you for the birthday wishes. @LilDebbieG71 knew it was my birthday because we've been friends for quite a while now and we talk.

    My dh gave me the money to buy a new blender for my birthday to replace the one I broke so now I get to have healthy, delicious smoothies for breakfast again! Yea!!! Can't wait for tomorrow morning!
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