Let's introduce ourselves , calling each other by real name. Or you would prefer to be anonymous.



  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Eveyone. I'm Tina. I am 40 years old and am about 5'6. I began my journey...again...this past Tuesday (4/19). I started at 292.5 (Ugh) and as of yesterday, weighed 286.5. This is very difficult for me to say. I need to get past the shame of being in my 250's a year ago, and here I am now. My first goal is 267.5. That will be 25 pounds. My overall goal is 150. I look forward to getting to know everyone and being here for support during your journey.

    I am 210, need to weight 142
    So we r in the same boat, and we will persevere!
    We just can't feel ashamed anymore, it's enough!
    We will do it now!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello all! My name is Taneil. I will be 30 May 3rd and am a mother of 2 (wanting more

    Hi, Taneil, so happy to hear from you❤️
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    lls5111 wrote: »
    Hi friends

    I'm Lisa, from upstate NY. I'm 53, and 216.5 pounds in a 5 foot 4 inch frame.
    I started in again January but my heart wasn't in it. March is really when I began, since then I have lost 10 pounds.

    Its gonna be slow for me to lose, I don't get as much exercise as a want and need. I have a knee replacement scheduled for June 13. I want to get as much off as possible.

    Lisa, you can do this!!!! You know what you are facing, you set a reasonable goal for 6-7 weeks and we are here to support you. What type of exercises can you do with the knee situation?

    Anecdote for encouragement - I am currently taking care of my mother-in-law (age 74) who has had two cancer surgeries in 2016 (Jan, Mar). Her second recovery is taking a little more time than the first - just wipes the energy when you go through so much. Also, her Mom died (age 94) in December 2015, the same day she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Part of my REBOOT on my fitness journey was to motivate her to do her therapy exercises. I began by walking around the block several times because I couldn't go very far from the house. She is doing WAY better and has now lost a total of 24 pounds since January 4th. That is huge for her, since she is primarily sedentary.
  • JesusMyKingMyLord
    JesusMyKingMyLord Posts: 8 Member
    Nice to be part of this group.

    This is weird though, I typed a lot more but only 3 lines showed up
  • JesusMyKingMyLord
    JesusMyKingMyLord Posts: 8 Member
    So yeah, to add on to what I wrote. We are wanting more children, this august will be our 10 year anniversary!! I've been over weight for the majority of my life and it is time for change!! I weighed for the first time in a long time 4 weeks ago and to my shock it said 269!! 4 weeks ago we also decided to start walking, so we started going to a nature preserve with some friends on Saturdays, sadly I wasn't doing much else as far as exercise. 2 weeks ago we decided to change how we all as a family eat, my husband went the all protein route ( it has worked very well for him before) and the kids and I have changed are portions and have now started eating more well balanced. Last night I broke down and bought a scale and I weighed 253! Heading in the right direction!! Yay!! So yeah, I'm here to encourage others and be encouraged. Blessings to all!!
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    Love this group already by just reading your intros. I am Rhonda, age 54, 5'5" and 198 pounds. I already lost 23 and have another 59-70 to go, depending on where I feel the best. My range is 129-140 pounds for my small frame. The last time I was at 129 was 25 years ago, so not sure that is where I will end up at this age. Also, that time I was not exercising with the intensity that I am now, so lean muscle will weigh more.

    I am 45 days into a 90 day transformation challenge that has us measuring and submitting comparison pictures every 30 days. My first 30 days I lost 5 1/8" inches overall and most of that in the waist, where I most need it gone. We have 3 parents we will care for as needed and 9 grandchildren we adore. I want to be around and healthy for a long time to see their lives unfold.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi, well we can enjoy this time together as I turn 60 in July! I just moved from mountains in WA to northern CA a mile from ocean. Weigh 141 and goal of 125-130.

    My name is Marla and I love to hike. Not working since we moved, but plenty busy volunteering.
  • FitMeBetter
    FitMeBetter Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, well we can enjoy this time together as I turn 60 in July! I just moved from mountains in WA to northern CA a mile from ocean. Weigh 141 and goal of 125-130.

    My name is Marla and I love to hike. Not working since we moved, but plenty busy volunteering.

    Hi Marla. Welcome!
    Our group is great.
    Feel free to add me.

  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Maria welcome!!!!
  • Janes_MFP
    Janes_MFP Posts: 102 Member
    Hi. My name is Jane. I have about 10 pounds left to lose to get to my goal. That doesnt seem like a lot, but it is the difference between one more clothing size and feeling better about myself and being more confident. I need to get a plan and stay with it.

    I would like some positive thinking female mfp friends, so please add me so we can encourage each other.
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    Hi welcome jane
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Jane- I too am on that last 10! However I feel sometimes I am adding the next 15!!! It is hard, those 10 pounds for some reason don't want to ever leave, and some people don't understand why we care. (Well until they are at their last 10 haha) you will love this group, all supportive loving people who keep you motivated and uplifted! Have a great day and welcome!
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    It took me ages also to lose the last few lbs - I persisted though and it finally came off but I was exercising an awful lot and not eating much at all to get it off. I obviously love going through that though, as I've put it all on again and will have to repeat everything I did before... !!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Hi, I'm Laurie! I never struggled with weight until the last few years. I have quite a bit to lose but I will get there.
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, I'm Laurie! I never struggled with weight until the last few years. I have quite a bit to lose but I will get there.

    Hi, Laurie, it's so nice to meet you. I have to lose quite a bit too. I weigh 208 now and I will be 145.
    So we r here for a long time and we really need support and understanding.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    My initial goal is 140 pounds and I weigh 194 now, so 54 pounds to lose. That is to get to the top of my healthy range of 129-140.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    Celebrated our grandson, Kellan's, 5th birthday yesterday as well as our 10th wedding anniversary. Thankful for my hubby who is my biggest cheerleader on my healthy journey. Ate mostly tasty but very unhealthy food the past two days, but back on track today.