Goals and Motivations

Sandinkler Posts: 5 Member
I'll get the ball rolling here. What are everyone's goals and motivations?

My biggest goal is pretty simple; to get healthy. I have endometriosis which is a very painful chronic disease. There is no cure, but I have found that it is possible to manage the pain with minimal drugs by watching what I eat. I was born with hip dysplasia, it went undiagnosed for many years which led to severe arthritis. I had to have a total hip replacement when I was only 32 years old. I am also suffering from infertility which really sucks. My doctor cannot find the cause and believes that weight loss might reverse my condition.

My motivations are a little more complex. Last November, I accepted a new job. For 7 years, I had been working in a Walmart Auto Care Center, selling tires and oil. I had pretty much given up on my appearance....why even try when I was just going to get dirty? I was in a rut and I just didn't care. Then one day, completely out of the blue I was offered a position in the Vision Center. I would receive on the job training to become an Optician. I would also have to start dressing up for work. I started getting compliments and I started caring again. I started wearing make-up and started getting even more compliments. I started overhearing my husband commenting to his coworkers about how nice I looked. It may sound shallow (I assure, I am not a shallow person) but these constant compliments have become like a drug for me, I don't want them to stop.

at Christmas, I weighed in at 260lbs. Not my heaviest which was 280 a few years ago, but still not good. I was in a lot of pain and was having trouble sleeping. I knew it was time to get back into my Endometriosis detoxing, so I started a 4 month detox on January 21st. I have lost 35 pounds since then and am in so much less pain and my self-confidence is starting to grow.

I am going to my favorite amusement park, Kings Island, in two weeks and I am not in fear of having to do the "walk of shame" from being asked to get off on any of the rides from being too big. I have been working with a personal trainer and am even looking into taking dancing lessons next year. I feel like the possibilities are endless!

I promised myself a new ATW shirt when I lost 20 pounds. I wear my pink Heck It shirt constantly as motivation. When I hit 40 pounds gone, I am getting my hair streaked. When I make it to 61 pounds (finally under 200 pounds) I will rewarding myself with three small tattoos that I have been wanting for years. 80 pounds will earn me a bigger tattoo that I have designed.

Ok, enough of my rambling. How about you guys?


  • cassiper
    cassiper Posts: 4 Member
    Sandinkler wrote: »
    I am also suffering from infertility which really sucks. My doctor cannot find the cause and believes that weight loss might reverse my condition.

    I am going to my favorite amusement park, Kings Island, in two weeks and I am not in fear of having to do the "walk of shame" from being asked to get off on any of the rides from being too big.

    Infertility here too. Have you had your Thyroid checked and been checked for PCOS? I have PCOS and hypothyroidism and it is a killer for weight and fertility.

    King's Island!? You must live close to there if it's your fave park. I live in Ashland, Kentucky! Riding theme park rides is a big motivator for me... I've given up on roller coasters because last time I rode one (The Beast about 5 yrs ago) my husband had to push the bar down to make it click the mandatory 3 times. I agree with Adam... it was embarrassing... and very depressing because I just knew it would probably be my last time riding it... yet here I am and I've done nothing to help the situation but failed diets and it depresses me every time I think about it.

    Maybe we can lose weight, feel better, and get a King's Island Woo meet-up!