April 30th Weigh-in (Apr 30th - May 7th)



  • bondgirl50
    bondgirl50 Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2016
  • Brittles927
    Brittles927 Posts: 348 Member
    Thank you so much for making that chart @bondgirl50 - that must have taken a lot of time!
    Can't wait to see how we all do over these next few months :)
  • bondgirl50
    bondgirl50 Posts: 42 Member
    I will keep updating it.... I check all the posts for updates as people post different places but otherwise it's no problem... glad to help out...
  • lshelto17
    lshelto17 Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2016
    SW 246.8
    CW 235.4
    GW 195 for this challenge)

    Weight as of May 4th

    Hey, @bondgirl50 I requested access to your google doc before i realized you'll be editing it yourself. Sorry!

  • bondgirl50
    bondgirl50 Posts: 42 Member
    No worries...I responded to you
  • HaleyAlvarado95
    HaleyAlvarado95 Posts: 5 Member
    SW : 213.5
    CW : 208.6
    GW : 155
  • juliayadda
    juliayadda Posts: 33 Member
    lshelto17 wrote: »
    SW 246.8
    CW 235.4
    GW 195 for this challenge)

    Weight as of May 4th

    Hey, @bondgirl50 I requested access to your google doc before i realized you'll be editing it yourself. Sorry!


    we are pretty much goal twins
  • joannemonette1
    joannemonette1 Posts: 99 Member
    bondgirl50 wrote: »
    I will keep updating it.... I check all the posts for updates as people post different places but otherwise it's no problem... glad to help out...

    Oh sorry - I just added my info - I'll stick with posting my updates here :blush:
  • Mirabelle_Out
    Mirabelle_Out Posts: 151 Member
    Hey all

    My weight has been wonky
    SW: 258
    CW: 242.0
    GW: 205

    My weight has been up the past two weeks but it is starting to move back down.
  • lshelto17
    lshelto17 Posts: 11 Member
    @juliayadda We are! I just friended you =)
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW: 254.2
    CW: 251
    GW: 200 for this challenge
  • bpkal
    bpkal Posts: 59 Member
    Bpkal new weight 175.0
    Starting 209
    Goal 139
  • Elpha25
    Elpha25 Posts: 20 Member
    SW: 179
    CW: 166
    GW: 149
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 423 Member
    SW- 191
    Last week- 194.4
    CW- 192.2
    GW- 141

    I've been gaining through the past few weeks. but I tried really hard this week. Just gotta keep it up!
  • 3nails1love
    3nails1love Posts: 51 Member
    Im sorry, I have to leave this challenge. If I try to make my goal weight now by September 1st, I think it would be unhealthy for me. I'm not giving up on my goal... Just not the 55lbs by Sept. 1st.

    Good luck to the rest of you.
  • Brittles927
    Brittles927 Posts: 348 Member
    @3nails1love I'm sorry to see you go :( I don't think I'm going to make the 55lbs by Sept. 1st either, but I've found this group to be a good support system. I hope no one feels as though they HAVE to lose 55lbs by Sept. 1st to be a part of our group, it's a goal but it's not necessarily required, we have some people in this group that have adjusted to just lose 20-30lbs by Sept 1st. Would love for you to stay, adjust your goals to what you feel is attainable, and we'll be right here with you on your journey! <3
  • bondgirl50
    bondgirl50 Posts: 42 Member
    @3nails1love, that is unfortunate. To be honest with you, I know I won't make to goal but just knowing that I have the support of everyone here helps me to keep my focus even if I only lose 5 lbs from now to September 1st I would be happy with that. I don't think anyone is focusing on the 50 lbs but just on the supoort of each other.
  • joannemonette1
    joannemonette1 Posts: 99 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm sorry to see you leave :( But I hope you reconsider - I didn't honestly think I was going to be able to make it, either - Originally, at my rate, I was on schedule to hit *55* by October 1st - but I figured *maybe* I can do this. Now, it looks like I might make it by the first week of September - and maybe the 1st. Some weeks it feels like I can't lose - then the next week I'm doing much better than expected (yaay). I figure if the trend continues, I can make it to September 1st. But if I don't, it's still okay -- I'm gunning for it, but it's way more important to lose weight at a normal rate than to try to force it. Forcing it is exactly how it ends up coming back.