Tracking your diet

bodyonfire Posts: 13 Member
Talk here about how actually writing down and tracking what you eat effects what you consume.


  • karleeschrunk
    karleeschrunk Posts: 1 Member
    Writing down what I eat makes me mindful about what I am actually putting into my body. I have been meal tracking for almost a month now and I have noticed that I reach for fruits to snack on instead of chips and chocolate now. I have noticed a change in the way I feel and being able to look back on my food choices is a great reminder!
  • cjprescher
    cjprescher Posts: 3 Member
    I've been working out regularly and have known that watching my diet would help me get over this plateau but have been dragging my feet. Thanks YP for kicking my butt into gear and kick starting my healthier diet. In the past week I have already noticed a change in my eating habits just from writing things down and holding myself accountable. LOVE THE MYFITNESSPAL TOOL!!
  • ashleylessig
    ashleylessig Posts: 1 Member
    I second everything that you guys are saying. Knowing that I will have to enter what I'm eating into the app makes me think twice about making those poor eating choices. You're not restricting yourself, you're balancing your diet. I still splurge on a beer or a dessert occasionally but I'm much more aware of how that effects my calorie intake and am able to anticipate those items and still be within my goal for the day. Accountability is key!
  • mahicks52
    mahicks52 Posts: 3 Member
    By logging in what I eat, I realize my calorie choices. Some things are not worth so many calories when they can be substituted by something lower (example: ice cream replaced by fruit). Sometimes I still eat the ice cream but by writing it down, I keep portion sizes smaller and don't splurge more later that day. Awareness sure helps the controlling of what I put in my mouth!