hey ladies! need friends :)

I am 24, currently 240lbs, and my goal is 150lbs roughly. I am struggling to lose weight, but I would love a great group of friends to hold me accountable- I will also support you in return. I am afraid of getting sick and developing diabetes (borderline) and I need to make a change!


  • AllThingsNele
    AllThingsNele Posts: 4 Member
    mrstruegemini is my user name and my daughters is ShaeCutie add us as friends. Good luck on journey. We are here for the same reason. This is a wonderful supportive community. You will do great here
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, request sent. Let's do this ;)
  • sierramitchell89
    sierramitchell89 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 26 and weighing 256 lbs. I am looking for support as well. Feel free to add me :-)
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, feel free to send a request. I'm pretty active and post every single day, open diary too.
  • bam4tamitam
    bam4tamitam Posts: 7 Member
    Hi you can add me as well I need friends to encourage and be encouraged.
  • Makkie155
    Makkie155 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I just started this journey yesterday and our goals are pretty similar! I'm at 235lbs looking to get down to 155.
  • starr311
    starr311 Posts: 3 Member
    I need some friends too feel free to add me
  • Moroset905
    Moroset905 Posts: 6 Member
    need support need to lose weight for my job ( navy) my self and my wedding in four months. befriend me if you need and or want to be pushed i have a fit bit to www.fitbit.com/user/2ZR43S
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Hey ladies. Just seeing this. I'll be sending everyone in here a friend request as I'm re-igniting my fitness life too.
  • Atharris
    Atharris Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! I'm looking for positive friends to encourage one another on our weight loss journey. I would like for all of you to add me and we can do this together! Thanks and have a wonderful day!
  • shariyahinton
    shariyahinton Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm just starting as well and have similar goals as you. Add me