Has anyone joined a Gym? What are your experiences?

birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
Hi Folks - question:

Have any of you joined a gym? I'm getting to the point where I think that maybe joining a gym might be a good idea. But I'm a 61yr old fat white woman, and I really don't want to be exercising with 22 yr old yoga instructors... if you know what I mean. Plus, I live in a small town in upstate New York where everyone knows everyone else.

How did you choose the gym that you've joined, and what are your experiences? Thanks for any info you can provide. Best, Birgit


  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Hi @Birgitkwood! Joining a gym is a fantastic idea. For me, it was essential. There are too many distractions at home for me to be able to work out and stick with it, so when I go to the gym, I keep focused on what I need to do to attain my fitness goals.

    I'm a 42 year-old fat white guy, and I had some reservations about joining the gym and working out amongst all the "in-shape" people as well, but do NOT let that stop you. My approach was two-fold. First and foremost, I knew that I needed to do it, and I didn't care what anybody was going to think or say. I saw this as almost a life and death issue, honestly. Either I do this (get healthier), or the curtain's going to fall a lot sooner than I want it to. I found that's a great motivator. That, and the opinions of other people who probably don't know what it's like to struggle with weight, not only don't count, they don't matter. Second, my experience has been that most people at the gym aren't going to be idiots, and that the feeling you'll have of being watched, or stared at, or whatever is greatly exaggerated. I'm not saying that there aren't some, just that there aren't very many. Also in my experience, the few that have been that way aren't brave enough to say anything.

    On the subject of choosing a gym, my biggest consideration was when I would be able to go. I have a CRAZY schedule, so I made sure that my gym was accessible 24/7, and I'm often in there at 11 PM. Past that, I'd say pick one, go in and chat with the staff. If they're friendly, the place doesn't smell like feet and is clean, and you like it, Give it high marks on your score card, and check out another one. Pay attention to programming, too (HiiT classes, spin classes, etc.). That's the one thing that I'm not in love with my gym about. They don't have any classes. I have found ways to work around that, so it's not a huge deal to me, but it may be to you.

    I hope that helps! Have an awesome day.

    BTW, I'm just starting a youtube channel to talk about getting healthier, and you've asked about a couple of the topics that I plan on addressing early on. Feel free to check it out right here.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    I recently joined a gym myself. I work a late swing so I don't get home until 3 am and going for a walk outside wasn't a smart idea. I chose a 24/7 gym with a pool. I needed the hours to work with me and the pool is a huge added bonus.
    I've found that people stare just as much on the street and they keep to themselves just the same as well. The way I figure it is that I'm doing this for me so screw the rest. If they want to look they can watch me kill a few miles on the treadmill or some laps in the pool.
    Remember you're not in competition with those at the gym so don't let them intimidate you.
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    edited June 2016
    I was terrified of joining a gym. I figured that the people in there would look at this fat 34 year old, and laugh me out of the door. I picked a 24/7 gym so I could go at 'unsociable' hours, and one that had a website where I could check how busy it was before I went.

    In the time I've been going, I've had two tiny incidences that may have put me off a year ago, but didn't. In my first month, no one even looked at me (mind you, I was there at 6am). I did, however, have a guy laugh at me when I was walking across the weight room, but he was a judgemental meat head who clearly didn't understand I was there to get healthy. The only other time was two youngish girls, maybe 17/18ish, full make-up, fake nails, hipster glasses, clearly not there to work up a sweat, who looked at me and giggled. It bothered me temporarily, but I realised they were paying membership fees to try and meet men - I was there to kick butt!

    What Pepperhead & Medusa have said is right. Find a gym that works for you. You're there for you, no one else, and we're here to cheer you on too.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    You guys are wonderful - thank you! Yes, you're all right. I'm getting healthy for ME, and it's no one else's business. Generally in my life I don't really pay much attention to other people's opinions about me - I tend to be fairly oblivious. That trait will probably be helpful at the gym. Thanks, folks - you've given me the courage to at least check OUT the gym! There's only one in mu town, so if it smells like feet I'm outta there. Lol
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Pepperhead, I liked your intro video. Good luck with it!
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm joining the ymca on Monday. I had several free passes already and at the off peak times I have gone there were few people in my small town there. I would rather get stared at by everybody and their mommas then bit by mosquitoes walking around Minnesota outside in the summer. Usually I just focus on what I'm doing, wear headphones and I'm oblivious and zoned out.
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Ask for a free trial period and see if what they offer fits you and your schedule. I live in a small town also and just switched from the one in the larger town 20 miles away to the one in my small town because the equipment is in better condition. I try to go in the middle of the day when it is less busy so I don't have to wait on the use of equipment very often. This one does not have classes, but that suits me fine since I can go in, do strength training then do cardio. The people who I have seen that work out at the time I prefer to go are faces I recognize from church and are all polite and considerate. If I try to walk outside, I get stopped so often by people wanting to chat for a few minutes that it's hard to make progress - even if I go walking on the rural road going out of town. I am very much over weight but find that I am making improvements in my health so it is very much worth it.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Thx, Madeline! Sounds like your situation (living in a small town) Is very similar to mine :-)

    I checked out really the only gym in town yesterday and really was pleasantly surprised! It was clean and smelled good : -D. There are huge signs everywhere stating their non judgemental policy, and people exercising were of all shapes and sizes. Plus, it's affordable and they're open 24hrs on weekdays and 12 hrs each on Sats & Suns. So I think I'm gonna do it. Just have to think thru how I'm going to do rework my schedule. Thanks, everyone - for your helpful advice and encouragement. I never would've had the guts to walk into the place without you all!
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    I just posted episode 2 early early this morning. Check it out! https://youtube.com/watch?v=vsiDJH7Bsp8