Week one challenges

osche731 Posts: 213 Member
Here I will post some info one the week one challenge and we can decide our own personal goals for the week!


  • angavai
    angavai Posts: 110 Member
    Sure .. Waiting for the challenges
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    I will update them here once they are posted
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Challenges are posted!

    My exercise goals this week are to run 3 days, Pilates 2 days, yoga 2 days, gym for cross-training & weights 1 day, & also complete the 6 small Zumba videos that are part of mini challenge 2 + a rest day. Should equal out to around 45 minutes per day (we each need to log at 20 minutes a day to complete this leg).

    Nutrition goals this week are to drink my required amount of water to complete mini challenge 3 (already do this) and complete my 2nd of 3 weeks of not having any gluten, starchy carbs, added sugars, alcohol, and processed foods.
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    So the weeks challenges include reaching out to each of our teammates and introduce yourself and friend request them :) Easy as pie!

    2nd- Try all 6 of the Zumba videos!

    3rd- Drink half your body weigh in fl oz. of water. (Please don't do this if you feel it is detrimental to your health!)

    Lastly, we have 2733 miles we need to complete, going over is always more than welcome ;)
    So thats about 144 miles/mins per person this week. You can do this! I believe in all of you!

    As always, please reach out to me with any concerns/questions.

    Did we want to nominate any co-captains at all?
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I've completed the first 2 mini-challenges and I *should* be able to complete the 3rd as well by the end of the week. At the time I was doing the Zumba videos, I didn't know if I needed to do all 6 each day or just for the week, so did them all since they were short. I've not done Zumba before and don't really have "dance moves", so I was glad I was the only one in the gym when completing that challenge, lol.

    My other exercise goals this week are 3 days running, 3 days strength training, and some various other exercises from my Apprentice group challenge.

    Nutritional goals this week are to drink a gazillion ounces of water and stay within my MFP recommended calories.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    @rusgolden Fantastic! Think I'll try and nail the Zumba tomorrow - seems like a good idea to do it as one workout session and then it's over and done with. Keep it up. :)
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Meowler wrote: »
    @rusgolden Fantastic! Think I'll try and nail the Zumba tomorrow - seems like a good idea to do it as one workout session and then it's over and done with. Keep it up. :)

    same here.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    So I'm finished for today. I've surprised myself and managed to drink 2.75L for the Bottoms Up challenge, so only four more days to go! I'm just waiting for @Dnarules to accept my friend request to complete the Meet & Greet challenge and will be completing Ditch the Workout, Join the Party tomorrow. So far, so good. I'll be aiming for at least 60 minutes of workout each day and may stretch further - we'll see how it goes!

    Please feel free to share your accomplishments and if you need any help then just shout. We're all here for eachother. :)
  • BirdParrott
    BirdParrott Posts: 35 Member
    Took the dog out this morning before me 1st day on the new job to start Week 2 of the C25k. Then to celebrate the new job, my boyfriend and I rode bikes to a quaint little restaurant for drinks and food. Logging 79 minutes for today.
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    Only got about 30 minutes of exercise in today since I worked both jobs. Unfortunately, I will have to sit out on the water challenge. I physically can not drink half my weight in water!
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Did everyone log their miles (minutes) yesterday? The total sheet on the spreadsheet has us in 4th places for Monday but just a few minutes away from being in third. I'm going to do the Zumba videos today along with my other scheduled workout. It will not be pretty :)
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    edited June 2016
    @highlandshoppa I'm aiming for good habits and logging the spreadsheet daily. I've pushed myself a little further today. Maybe I'm a little competitive. ;) Best of luck with the Zumba!
  • BirdParrott
    BirdParrott Posts: 35 Member
    edited June 2016
    osche731 wrote: »
    Only got about 30 minutes of exercise in today since I worked both jobs. Unfortunately, I will have to sit out on the water challenge. I physically can not drink half my weight in water!

    It's half your weight in ounces. So if you weigh 180 lb, you should drink 90 oz or 11.25 cups. A cup of water every hour should be doable! Give it a try :-)

    For you metric users, take your weight in kilograms multiply by 2.2 to get lb.
  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    I will do Zumba tonight and log my other time. I don't know how well I am going to do on the water challenge... I struggle with that one. Didn't make it yesterday and only about halfway there today and the day is half over... we'll see if I can do it 4 more times!!
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm with @osche731 that it's crazy for someone my size to be able to drink half my weight in ozs. I drank over 100 oz so I'm counting it though. At what point does that cap off for the water?
  • BirdParrott
    BirdParrott Posts: 35 Member
    The body can safely excrete 800 to 1000 milliliters speed hour or .21-.26 gal. My suggestions from a professional standpoint is to try and drink 1-1.5 cups per hour. This will give the best benefit to your body and have most if not all of you at your goal!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    The water challenge is going to be a tough one for many to get to, but it is only 5 pts per person this week, so you might be better off for the team to add in a little more exercise time to get us into the bonus points. It is 13 cups of water for me and I've been doing a 10 cup a day challenge in another group, so wasn't too much more for me, but I do think it would have been better to have a cap on the challenge.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    I was planning on doing the Zumba today but have foolishly strained myself walking (sore feet and lower back) so will be giving it a miss today. I've soaked my feet in hot water and applied a warm pack so should be fine to continue exercise as normal from tomorrow.

    Managed the Bottoms Up challenge again for today so that's 2/5. I'm 174lbs so worked out that I should be drinking 87oz (2.6L) each day. Usually I only manage 1L so I do understand it's difficult to drink so much (unless it's a bottle of wine), especially for those that are heavier - where is the cap?

    If we can complete as many challenges as possible - great! As the organisers have said there will be different challenges each week and it is very likely there will be some challenges that individuals can't complete for personal reasons. It's okay! I think @rusgolden has the right idea with trying to make it up with a little extra exercise where possible. :)
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Ok, finished Zumba -- I think I hate Zumba, but I did it.

    Then I drank all kinds of water today and had to break my ban on public bathroom use -- once at daughter's softball game (so it was at a park; one step up from portapotty), and once at creepy gas station.

    I hope we represent well -- I used public facilities twice for this challenge!
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    ajfuelling wrote: »
    Ok, finished Zumba -- I think I hate Zumba, but I did it.

    I completed the Zumba challenge today and hated it too!