edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
set a competition date for yourself, talk about your goals and share your stories.


  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    I am setting my competition goal for april 11th, there is a NPC open that is also a national qualifier for top 3's I plan to be at 15%-16% bodyfat for the stage that day.
  • Hey there... My current goal for my first bikini competition is on April 6th NPC open national qualifier... I'd like to get my body fat down to 15% with my current IIFYM diet plan and 6 day a week workouts..
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    you go girl! I hope we get more here in the group and can all be a support for eachother. don't be shy about posting photos.

    I'm starting 24 weeks out on my bodyfat cut because I'm 29% right now. using Keto diet and cardio or hiit workouts everyday 4 days a week and weights 2-3 days on the weekends.
    I will be updating every saturday on my progress.
  • That's a great start.. Do you have a plan for how to deal with the holiday temptations? I decided to start cutting at after the holidays because of it... lol
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    Honestly, I can't visit family for holidays (parent split when I was 3 and family lives all over the USA) and no one in my family lives in cali at all, so it doesn't make a difference for me. And I'm actually not a big holiday eater in the first place. besides cakes and pumpkin pie as a temptation. I don't normally eat grains, I hate stuffing and much of the garnish of holiday foods. So eating meat and veggies like normal is easy. I will make sure my carb day is on the holiday however, just to play it a little safer. otherwise it's no difference to my usual.
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    I am on the ketogenic diet, and eat paleo 90% of the time anyway. as I said, no real difference between holiday and regular food for me
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi ladies :) I'm intending to compete in Figure on April 16th in Australia (INBA).

    3 weeks ago I did a DEXA which put me at 20%BF. I have been bulking for a month now and have seen some changes in the muscles but also in the midriff! I have 2.5 weeks left of current bulk meal plan and then I'm not too exactly sure - I'm flying a bit blind just trusting my trainer and what she gives me. I think I need to sit down with her and ask her for a bit of an outline as to what i should expect when.

    I currently lift 4x per week and cardio once but am always active on the weekends - swim on saturdays and just life stuff with a 4 y.o and so on.

    I'm sure that will increase as I get closer to the target!

    As for holidays - I will eat my xmas dinner along with desert and all that - but that's IT. the rest of the time it's keeping to the diet!
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    I just switched to a very extreme Ketogenic Diet over the weekend, gonna be tough, but I have done it before, my goal being to try to drop as much weight before a expo I am working January 19-24 in vegas, going to try for 20% BF as much as possible. I got on a electro measure machine on the 21st and came up at 144 and 26% so I've got to get my *kitten* in gear, in june I was 136 and 23%, I am getting back in the gym daily to lift and will be attempting to get 300 calories burn in cardio daily too. 1500 cals a day and my keto ratio is 65%fat/30%Protein/5%carbs and minimum 1 gallon water a day. This has worked wonders for me in the past so hopefully my body will drop into keto quickly, this first week I am really focused on pushing it. And I plan to compete in April for the first time. hopefully I can get down to 15%BF by then.
  • avjones224
    avjones224 Posts: 1 Member
    Is this group still active?