Week One: Meet and Greet

Meowler Posts: 115 Member
edited June 2016 in Social Groups
I'm delighted that we've made so many introductions already, but we are still waiting for a few stray travelers to join the expedition. Perhaps they are enjoying some last drinks in the airport lounge!

If you haven't already be sure to introduce yourself - as briefly or detailed as you like - and get comfortable! We have a long road trip ahead before we hit those fantastic beaches in Miami. Go T5! :)



  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi all! Thanks Meowler for helping start this! :)
    There is a thread started for intros in this group, one in the amazing race, or you can do it here. I just ask that once you've friended everyone and did your intro to just comment done here! I would like to keep track of it here!
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    I just ask that once you've friended everyone and did your intro to just comment done here! I would like to keep track of it here!

    I've sent all my friend requests (waiting on some to be accepted) and did my into on the main group page on our team thread.

  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    Hi all! Thanks Meowler for helping start this! :)
    There is a thread started for intros in this group, one in the amazing race, or you can do it here. I just ask that once you've friended everyone and did your intro to just comment done here! I would like to keep track of it here!

    Requests sent... just waiting on @Dnarules and @tyedyechick0930 to accept.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    edited June 2016
    No problem, @osche731!

    Ditto, it just seems we're waiting on @Dnarules and @tyedyechick0930. I hope they can join us soon. :)
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    I am just waiting on @Dnarules and @KatKat1209
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    Wow, y'all are on it today! I'm going to try logging on as much as I can. I've completed sending friend requests to all the team mates and I put in a blurb about getting to know me. :) I'll let y'all know ahead of time that I mostly use the app so getting online doesn't happen as often. I'll try to log on and check in about once or twice a day. But, I'll be here. Go team! ~Charity
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    I have sent you all friends requests too .
  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    Sent friend requests and do intro, just waiting on some accepting :)
  • angavai
    angavai Posts: 110 Member
    Nice meeting u all
  • BirdParrott
    BirdParrott Posts: 35 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm still missing Dnarules... we're ready to travel! Come join us!
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    I'm waiting for Dnarules too.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    6 people left on my list, just sent friend requests.


    Today, I'm trying those Zumba videos. Alone. In my basement. With the curtains drawn.
  • iheartcookies2
    iheartcookies2 Posts: 952 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have accepted all FR sent to me. :)
    And I have sent FR to
    ajfuelling wrote: »
    6 people left on my list, just sent friend requests.


    Today, I'm trying those Zumba videos. Alone. In my basement. With the curtains drawn.

    LOL @ajfuelling
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Oh god. Just finished Zumba. I have no inner Latin beast- thanks for reminding me of this, Amazing Race!
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    I can't wait to try later!
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, I tried the zumba as much as my 1 year old would let me. I'd try to do some of the dance moves and he was holding on to my leg and thought it was quite fun to swing on my leg while I moved. Lol. So it was kinda like fumbling Zumba with a large ankle weight here and there. :D ~Charity
  • BirdParrott
    BirdParrott Posts: 35 Member
    For all you folks worried about the water callenge try this... Drink 1 to 1.5 cups of water every hour. Set an alarm/timer on your phone to help remind yourself!

    Drinking a glass of water 1st thing when you wake in the morning is possibly one of the best things you can do for yourself. Water is the catalyst for a majority of the biological processes in our body. You can do it!
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    @BirdParrott that's what I currently do. :) I usually get in 100-110 ozs of water a day by doing 12-16 oz every hour or so up until about 9pm but to do half my body weight would be another 40ish ozs...and I'm not awake enough or able to drink that much. Lol.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I've sent all my friend requests, but waiting on a couple.

    I too am very glad that we are being marked on Zumba participation not skill :wink:
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm in. I introduced myself in the team five discussion board in the main group. I am 52, married, with two teen-aged daughters. I live in NC, and am a biotech/bio instructor at a community college. I just accepted friend requests from everyone who sent one, and will look to see who I need to add. I just logged Tuesday's minutes. I will be a little light this week, but I am committed!