Weigh In - Week 1

ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
Hi everyone, I hope you've all had a great week.
I thought we could kick off the weekly weigh in and what our goals are, and add any other info you think is relevant?

I've just added height, today's weight and my mini goal.

Height: 5'1"
Starting Weight: 98.2kg (216lbs)
Goal: 14lbs loss by 31 July.

Good luck!


  • snoopysgal
    snoopysgal Posts: 16 Member
    Height: 5 foot nothing!
    Starting Weight: 139lbs(9stone 13lb)
    Current Weight: 137lbs(9stone 11)
    Short term goal: 130lbs (9stone 4lbs or more preferably for holidays at end of July)
    Long term goal: 119lbs
    Am down 2lbs this week, not sure it'll stay off though as was out for pizza last night and am out for brunch and dinner today!
  • atrosper
    atrosper Posts: 596 Member
    Height 5ft 1in
    CW 184.5
    GW 160
    UGW 125-140
  • Sasabray
    Sasabray Posts: 2 Member
    Height: 4'11"
    CW: 132lbs
    Short term Goal: 125lbs
    GW: 120lbs
    Going to try to do the elliptical and 30 Day Shred and stick to my daily calorie limit of 1200.

    Let's do this!