Having Gastric Sleeve surgery on 6/21!

Hi y'all!
I just joined this group because I'm having VSG done in 10 days....OMG! I'm super excited and ready for a new healthy lifestyle. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)
I'm on day 4 of my 2 week pre op diet and so far it isn't so bad!


  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    I would say get in some physical activity before surgery - will help with muscle memory, also will be easier to bounce back to your routine once you are cleared post op. I would stock your fridge and freezer with good post op choices so you don't have to cook. Check out the blog The World According To Eggface, and Bariatric Eating for some tips and recipes. Also try practicing not drinking 30 mins before and after eating - it is definitely not easy to acclimate to at first (my gastric bypass was 4/18 and I still have to remind myself). If you drink alcohol or soda/carbonated drinks start eliminating them now so you won't miss them as much post op.

    Lots of good luck with your surgery!
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Good luck tomorrow!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    I second that! Good luck! Let us know how you're doing when you get a chance!
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member
    Good luck!
  • christinamason783
    christinamason783 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all of your well wishes and suggestions. I'm 4 days post op and I'm feeling pretty good! Its q bit uncomfortable at times but I'm bouncing back quicker than I thought I would :)
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Great to hear! Glad it went well.