New Members!

emdarling07 Posts: 24 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
This is a judgement-free zone. It doesn't matter where you fall in the eating disorder spectrum, you belong here. If you'd like to share your story, you can start a new thread or tack onto mine.
There will be people of all shapes and sizes coming together to talk about losing weight, gaining weight, maintaining weight or just reaching out for help so no negativity please!

Be kind to yourself today x



  • davegorman709
    davegorman709 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Dave. I would consider myself a binge eater. I have a cycle of eating a lot of food after 10pm and usually staying up late, waking up early for school and feeling sick from the night before. I have lost weight and been on diets for a few weeks at a time but haven't stuck with anything. I'm 5"8 and weigh 246 lbs. I would like to be around 180 - 190 lbs. I go to college in the day time and work usually 3 three nights a week sometimes more. So meal planning is a challenge for me, but I am still hopeful and believe I can be healthy.
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    Hey y'all! So glad I just found this group! I nearly died from severe anorexia in my teens. At the age of 22 I am weight restored, and was in a solid period of recovery. Lately though, I've been struggling with restrictive/reactive eating (go days eating too little and then binge and sometimes purge). I'm also struggling with extreme obsessive body thoughts and feeling guilty if I skip the gym for even a day. Would love friends on here who understand! Please add me if you're in the same sort of boat! <3 stay strong, Warriors
  • Hey y'all! So glad I just found this group! I nearly died from severe anorexia in my teens. At the age of 22 I am weight restored, and was in a solid period of recovery. Lately though, I've been struggling with restrictive/reactive eating (go days eating too little and then binge and sometimes purge). I'm also struggling with extreme obsessive body thoughts and feeling guilty if I skip the gym for even a day. Would love friends on here who understand! Please add me if you're in the same sort of boat! <3 stay strong, Warriors

    OMG did you just describe my life!
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    I gained 6 1/2 lbs back in about 3 weeks. My dog is old and dying, my son lost his job again. I'm eating and out of control. Suggestions?
  • MaeMarieED
    MaeMarieED Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I just got this app so I hope I'm doing this right, but my names Mae and I'm 18 and currently in an outpatient ED Recovery program. I suffer from Anorexia (bulimia subtype) and need to put on weight in order to be able to work and recover. I'm trying out this app and trying to eat more and restrain from b/p activities but it's extremely hard. That's why I thought joining a group would make it a less scary and lonely journey. Thought I'd introduce myself, and I hope i did it correctly :$ thanks for reading :smile:
  • cagveg
    cagveg Posts: 3 Member
    Today was my first day not purging in a long time. Using this app has been a huge help. This is my fourth day and progress has been enormous!!
  • writtenrite
    writtenrite Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys! I'm new here and looking for new friends. Been recovered for 10 years but there's always that awful voice in the back of my head...however, I need to diet, and I want to do it the RIGHT way for once. Please add me as a friend if you can relate or are looking for a fellow friendly face :)
  • Vibrant_Gainz
    Vibrant_Gainz Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Just started my EDNOS recovery journey about a month ago. @ a healthy weight currently (though gaining due to my new meal plan). I joined MFP a couple of days ago to help me track my progress & feel good about the changes. My metabolism is only starting to learn how to properly work again & I would love any friends/support through out the journey!:)
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited April 2016
    Welcome to everybody new, and Recovery is worth it. :)
  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm happy I found this group. I took a break from MFP and many of my friends are no longer on the site. My name is Suzanne, I'm 43 and have had a long history of disordered eating....for as long as I can remember. I have been given a diagnosis of Bulimia, but I also restrict and purge w/o binging. I'm doing well and haven't purged in a while, however I think it's because I'm being careful to log my food / exercise. I'm doing my best to stay in shape the healthy way. I want to be strong and lean and I know I have to eat well to reach my goals.

    Thank you again for starting this group
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Welcome Suzanne! Thanks for sharing your strength and hope here. Nice going that logging food is giving you relief from the ED. My problem was ana, and tho I wasn't in severe restriction mode for very long, it gave me a few health problems which at my age could have become dangerous if I didn't find my way to eating in a healthy way. Glad you joined our group, you aren't alone. :)
  • JLKintz981
    JLKintz981 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Jen and I have been diagnosed with A-typical anorexia. I take been in an intensive outpatient program since February and am really struggling. I have never been under weight (which I guess that's why it's called a-typical) and have been gaining weight since I've start recovery. Everyday that I get dressed is a grim reminder that I am in recovery and that doesn't mean weight loss (at least at this particular moment). With this daily reminder it makes sticking to any meal plan extremely difficult. I hear my body screaming for food, but more often than not the new pant size or snugging shirt trump any demand that my body makes. It's a vicious cycle. My nutritionist has banned me from running (which I love to do to quiet the demons) and since I broke the rule once and ran a 5k walk, I have been not only double banned from running, I'm not allowed to walk more than a mile. I know that my mind is still severely addicted to ED. It's been that way for 20 years (I'm 35), but it's a tough relationship to break up. I know I shouldn't focus on calories or other values, but it's the only thing helping me keep it all together.

    I'm hoping to make new friends and find/give support through the recovery journey.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Welcome Jen! Happy you are joining us on the road to recovery from ED's. :)
  • BrandiLee72
    BrandiLee72 Posts: 8 Member
    cagveg wrote: »
    Today was my first day not purging in a long time. Using this app has been a huge help. This is my fourth day and progress has been enormous!!

    I know this post is old...just wanted to say that I hope you are doing well!
  • BlueAfternoon
    BlueAfternoon Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! Lovely to meet you all!

    I started bulimia when I was a young teenager and have had it ever since then. Recently I lost about 60 pounds (35-40 kg) and did it basically by what I know recognise as anorexia. Now, I've almost and slowly put it all back on and am looking to take it off again.

    I need help and support (and would love to help you guys as well, in any way that I can) because I still need to go through the weight loss journey again, but I am so tired!
  • motorpork
    motorpork Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm Bri.
    I've recently been diagnosed with an eating disorder that I now can see I have had for most of my life. I always just said I was an emotional eater...but it gets a bit messier than that. My therapist has explained how I show both anorexic and binge eating tendencies.

    Last year I lost weight by seeing a personal trainer, she had me lifting for a hour a week and doing five hours of cardio, all while eating under 1000 calories. Any time someone would bring the situation up to me I would shut them down. The weight fell off quickly but after I stopped seeing here most of it came creeping back.

    I'm struggling now with the depression/food/weight gain/depression circle that I think a lot of people can relate to. Trying to track my food and having the goal as losing 1lb a week seems to be helping but I am worried about what happens when the scale isn't going down. Or if it goes up.

    If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it!

    Stay strong, everyone. <3
  • genillouise
    genillouise Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm geni.
    I've stugales with Ed since my early teens, managed to get into recovery a few times but it never really stuck.
    Now I'm trying to get myself together again so... here goes.

    Anybody wanting support and who is supportive feel free to add :)
  • jameybirch93
    jameybirch93 Posts: 21 Member
    I've struggled with an eating disorder for 7 years (since I was 16). Went from B.E.D to bulimia to bulimia non-purging type, then this time last year I got pregnant and went back to full blown binging, now I'm on the keto diet (day 2) because if I don't do something to try and lose weight and control my food I'll end up severely restricting and fasting again (which I don't want to do for many reasons). Probably going to struggle with this diet but I'm trying to view it as a healthier lifestyle, just don't know how I'm going to eliminate binging! My therapist says I need to focus on recovery before attempting to lose weight but I've put so much on lately it's depressing. Inspiration to lose weight or recover or anything at all greatly appreciated! Also here to support others as best as I can.
    Feel free to add ☺
  • kimmykim92
    kimmykim92 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, I'm new to the group. I have struggled with with binge eating and some bulimia for years now. I started out in high school on weightweighters, and lost 100+ lbs by over-restricting what I was eating and looking back I was basically just starving all the time. I went to university away from home for two years, then transferred to a university closer to home. When I moved closer to home I started binge eating really bad because all of a sudden I had more access to food at home and gained back 100+ lbs. I recently went back onto weightwatchers but decided it was a really restrictive diet and not realistic for the lifestyle change I wanted. I have now joined fitnesspal but I am finding it really hard to balance recovery and body positivity (loving myself the way I am) with losing weight. I'm trying to being mindful about what I eat and engage in more intuitive eating, within the calories outlined by fitnesspal, but my eating feels really out of control right now.

    If anyone has any advice or positivity to share I would appreciate it.

  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, new to the group here. I've had a negative relationship with food/dieting/body image since I was about 12...I'm 27 now and still struggle with my weight. I was never formally diagnosed with anything, but looking back, I definitely suffered from obsessive calorie tracking and over exercising in college. I think I suffer from body dysmorphia, because I don't truly understand what I look like...I thought I was really heavy in college, but seeing pictures now, I can tell that I was underweight for my height. I would feel guilty about eating dinner or snacks unless I had gone running or to the gym for about 1-2 hours every day.

    I've definitely come a long way in the last 5 years, but I gained a lot of weight back since then and still have serious body issues and guilt now attached to the weight gain. I struggle with wanting to dive back into the bad/unhealthy habits I had back then to achieve quick results but I recognize that it's not healthy, so I force myself to stay motivated with doing a (reasonable time amount) workout 5-6 days a week and eating a healthy, plant-based diet. I track all my food on here so that I reach my nutrition goals each day - without either restricting my intake or going wildly crazy and overeating.

    Sorry for the rambling, but if you read that all and maybe understand what I've been through, and advice/positive thoughts would be much appreciated.