Hey There, Anyone En Pointe?

KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
Hi all,

I'm Kaela and I'm new to the group!

I've started dancing again after a 5 year break and have a goal to get back En Pointe again :smile:

So my question is; whether dancing recreationally or professionally, are you En Pointe?

Right now, i'm conditioning and strength building in full sole leather Katz flats (dead pointes not being available!) and I've danced in Gamba 97's and My personal favourite, Grishko 2007's (I'd love to try the new Pro Flex range!).

So how about you?

- Kaela x


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hey Kaela,

    Not en pointe yet! I quit ballet when I was around 13 (never got en pointe) and I just started back up with a basic adult ballet class a year and a half ago. I dabbled in a few intermediate classes this past summer, but took 4 months off in the fall when I moved across the country and tried to find a new studio! Found one just before Christmas and it's going great so far. Just taking basic for now until I get stronger. I always peek into the advanced class and hope that I'll be there someday. :)
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Hi! Welcome!
    I've been dancing for the past 4 years and was granted my pointe shoes this year!
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Ah! How awesome!

    Nice to meet you ladies, Ballet is such a great way to get and keep in shape :smile:

    I went back to a dance forum that I hadn't visited in years this week and it feels like I'm really getting back into dancing and doing the things I love :-)

    Kaela x
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    What forum is it?
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Dance.net is the forum I use, Ballet Talk for Dancers is another good one and I enjoy a ballet themed blog by Adult Beginner. She's very witty and an older dancer.

    DDN is great because it's not just for Ballet Dancers, you can join and discuss almost anything, different styles of dance and hobbies.

    I wish there was a Zumba forum, I'm really getting into it!

    Kaela x
  • medgirl98
    medgirl98 Posts: 2
    Yes, I agree - dance.net is absolutely fantastic no matter what level you're at since there are people of all ages, sizes and abilities! I personally have recently gotten a fantastic pointe shoe recommendation from the site after creating an account a few months ago. I've tried Grishko 2007s but the box was slightly too tapered for my feet. I currently am using Russian Pointe Almaz in hard shank. No, I'm not dancing professionally - I dance at least 4 times a week for 1-2 hours each. This week is more intensive - going daily with 1-2 hours each time but I love it!
  • karma007
    karma007 Posts: 1 Member
    Not on pointe yet, but as an adult beginner, it's something I aspire to. I've been dancing for two years, and know I have a ways to go. Hoping to have the shoes before I require a walker :).
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Back to pointe after several years of break and excited! I missed it!
    Good luck everyone!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I just got 'promoted' to en pointe - only allowed to at the bar though. I've got a weird situation going on where my body dances MUCH better than my brain does. I'm re-learning what the terms mean so my brain is kind of slow on combinations, but once I figure out what my teacher is asking for, I can do it. Not always totally gracefully or to max level, but I'm doing it!

    Have to re-learn my leaps too.

    Sucks to be the fattest girl in my classes though.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    I´m quite happy about the restar progress, I can see improvements each time. I know it will slow down eventually. I have individual classes and it´s totally worth the extra time and costs.
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member
    I started dance and classic ballet 2 years ago as an adult, in quite bad shape. I've been working on it for 2 years...And from this week our new season is beginning and I am officially in the middle group (I was in beginner/recreational until now) and we are starting to work towards pointe(of course who gets to it faster will depend on strength and technique):). I'm excited and working on getting myself stronger:).
  • Photograhicsoul
    Photograhicsoul Posts: 23 Member

    Sucks to be the fattest girl in my classes though.

    I was in beginner group for the past 2 years, and I've learned something in that time- being the fattest but good technically and learning well is better than the opposite. You can get yourself in shape, and you will with time, trust yourself. Technique is much harder to get your brain to follow well...I for example know a lot of things how they should be technically, but my body has a lot of issues and getting myself to follow it in practice is harder. You will get where you want, keep working:)
  • breytab
    breytab Posts: 4 Member
    am the oldest, fattest and least flexible. so difficult getting my flexibility back! yep, am en pointe btw.
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Hi guys!
    I just graduated from UNC charlotte with a BA in dance performance and I have my first pro job dancing starting in a few months!! I'm so excited!!
    I've been dance en pointe for years now -12 but I started late--- my best advice is to find a pre pointe class - basically a ballet barre the kills your calves and strengthens your ankles- you also need to use a theraband daily--
    If you go on you tube and look up Katherine Morgan she has so great videos for feet strengthening !!
    Merde to you !!