The August Motivation Journal

tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
We had one for July and it was great - so here's one for August!

What is motivating you this month? What are your goals? How is your progress meeting those goals? What challenges are you working to overcome? Tips? Tricks?

I just got back from vacation and today is my first day back to everyday for me the first goal is to get an August workout plan on paper before I go to bed tonight! My overall motivation is still to be Harley Quinn for Halloween, and I saw Suicide Squad over vacation, so now even more motivated than usual since she is totally killer in the movie!!!


  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Hi there, just came back from trip to Oregon to visit daughter. I have had a bad couple of months. I started walking daily and promised my daughter I would continue. Today I walked so far 10,369 steps. Hot here and humidity is awful. My goals are:

    Walk every day at least 10,000 steps
    Log food and stay below 1200 calories
    Work out three days a week
    Stay away from soda

    Not putting weight goal yet. Will weigh in tomorrow and will set a goal then.

    We can accomplish anything if we just TRY !!!!!

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My goals for the month are official, and I'm going to do weekly follow ups...maybe on Mondays since the weekends are my biggest challenge and that might motivate me to stay on target over the weekend knowing I have to fess up on Monday.

    Body Beast subbing out the BB leg and rest days for my custom glute routine.
    Walking an hour a day.
    Aqua yoga on Mon and hot yoga on Thurs for 3 weeks.
    10 Les Mills Combat sessions for the month.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Just a thought but maybe we should just have an ongoing thread for the motivation journal if we want to continue it on a month to month basis?

    Question 1: What is motivating you this month?
    Answer: I want to get and stay in the 180's. I was staying in the 180's last week but I'm on vacation right now and probably will gain a couple pounds so my goal is to get to as close to 180 as I can for this month.

    Question 2: What are your goals?
    Answer: My goals are pretty similar to my July goals. I will exercise at least 4 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes and to have no more than 4 days over calories (which I've already hit on my vacation) Originally it was to have no days over goal but that's already a fail. haha

    Question 3: How is your progress meeting those goals?
    Answer:Slow but steady. I haven't given up and I won't so I'll eventually get there.

    Question 4: What challenges are you working to overcome? Tips? Tricks?
    Answer: I think my biggest challenge is staying in a deficit when I'm out of my element like when I'm at my parents or at my aunts or like now while I'm on my vacation. I was in a deficit one day so far here but it is something I need to work on if I'm ever going to meet my goals. A trick for me is to eat when I'm actually hungry as opposed to eating as soon as I wake up. I usually skip breakfast because I'm not hungry and it gives me more calories to work with later in the day so it makes it easier to stick with my deficit. I usually don't get hungry until around 10:45 - 11 sometimes as late as 2 p.m. While on vacation, it's been going a little differently and I seem to get in these moods where I want to eat, eat, eat. It's a work in progress as always. haha
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    August progress:
    Body Beast - all workouts accomplished so far.
    Walking an hour a day - missed walking this past weekend due to the extreme heat outside.
    10 Les Mills Combat sessions for the month - 2 complete so far.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Just a thought but maybe we should just have an ongoing thread for the motivation journal if we want to continue it on a month to month basis?

    Question 1: What is motivating you this month?
    Answer: I want to get and stay in the 180's. I was staying in the 180's last week but I'm on vacation right now and probably will gain a couple pounds so my goal is to get to as close to 180 as I can for this month.

    Question 2: What are your goals?
    Answer: My goals are pretty similar to my July goals. I will exercise at least 4 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes and to have no more than 4 days over calories (which I've already hit on my vacation) Originally it was to have no days over goal but that's already a fail. haha

    Question 3: How is your progress meeting those goals?
    Answer:Slow but steady. I haven't given up and I won't so I'll eventually get there.

    Question 4: What challenges are you working to overcome? Tips? Tricks?
    Answer: I think my biggest challenge is staying in a deficit when I'm out of my element like when I'm at my parents or at my aunts or like now while I'm on my vacation. I was in a deficit one day so far here but it is something I need to work on if I'm ever going to meet my goals. A trick for me is to eat when I'm actually hungry as opposed to eating as soon as I wake up. I usually skip breakfast because I'm not hungry and it gives me more calories to work with later in the day so it makes it easier to stick with my deficit. I usually don't get hungry until around 10:45 - 11 sometimes as late as 2 p.m. While on vacation, it's been going a little differently and I seem to get in these moods where I want to eat, eat, eat. It's a work in progress as always. haha

    Kayla, I am on the other side, I would prefer to make a new page each month because one page will get too clogged up. With one page it keeps it nice and organised and then you get a clean slate come the next month. In my opinion I would prefer to keep it that way but by no means am I a moderator on this site. I do however like the questions, I think its a good way to put down in words what each individual person is trying to achieve and how they are trying to get there.

    Since the month is almost over I am not going to add anything about my plans for August. I am going to try and get a routine started so that when the September thread starts I can have goals and a plan to meet them.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited August 2016
    @50extra Yeah, I suppose it would get clogged up but if it isn't the thread then eventually it'll be clogging up the discussions. Sure they will eventually be at the end but just seems like either way it's going to be clogging up something. I'm not a moderator either so I don't really know which route we should take or if how we are doing it is fine. It was just a thought. We could always form our own group for it? Call it The Monthly Motivation Journal Challenge or something or we can leave it like it is. At the moment, I've just kinda been doing my own thing and August is pretty much a bust so I'm fine with whatever. Thanks for your input!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    August in review:
    Body Beast subbing out the BB leg and rest days for my custom glute routine - this was great, I didn't miss any leg days.
    Walking an hour a day - this was great, I missed a few days, but not too many.
    Aqua yoga on Mon and hot yoga on Thurs for 3 weeks - I didn't make it to any yoga classes this month, between the aqua classes cancelled for storms or other schedule conflicts, it just didn't happen, total fail on this goal.
    10 Les Mills Combat sessions for the month - this was ok, 4 out of 10 were completed, and about a week of these were missed because of having a cold and making the walking more of a priority.

    I didn't do measurements today, however, I'm down 2.4 lbs for the month and I can totally see changes in my body, legs are more visibly muscular, tummy is a bit flatter, so I'm very happy with the results for August.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well a huge congrats is in order. Great work in August, I hope you are able to be just as successful in September.