Introduce Yourself

New to Diet Chef? Introduce yourself here :)


  • siangdurham
    siangdurham Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm new to Diet Chef, but not new to MFP. I used MFP to loose 5 stone in 2010-2011. Back then I didn't use any diet plan, I just counted calories myself and exercised a lot. But since changes at work in 2012 making my job much more stressful, I've put back on two stone and have repeatedly tried to loose it, the way I did five years ago. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to stick to this plan. I don't know why, but there it is. I think diet chef would suit me because I don't cook and I definitely don't plan food well. Also, it seems to me that if I buy into something like this, I'm more likely to stick to it. What do you think?
    Thanks in advance for you help
  • phillytoast
    phillytoast Posts: 42 Member
    Started diet chef 4 days ago and can't believe the results and how rarely I feel truly hungry. Peckish maybe but not really hungry ! So glad I started. I have 90kg to lose. I have shed 5 so far
  • Bilkojsy
    Bilkojsy Posts: 1 Member
    Started the plan two days ago. Impressed with the range of foods and structure. Also that I have not really noticed much hunger. I never used to each breakfast though and I think this new meal in my day is preventing cravings. Seems to be teaching me what arguably I should already know, how to eat. Portion control is my downfall and wine! Five and a half stone to my target Bmi down from 35. I feel good so far an it appears sustainable.
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I'm waiting for mine to arrive. Need a head start as my clothes look atrocious on me and my photos make me cringe