Welcome this group!!

I am very excited about start this new group to share with all of you my journey and hopefully we can share our experience and tips

Have a nice training and see all in the gym :happy:


  • klopez777
    klopez777 Posts: 4 Member
    I am excited to join this group. Looking forward to sharing the journey also. It is very powerful to share with a group our unique experiences, highs and lows, and most of all it is so powerful to encourage one another. Have a great day. Work hard. I have learned that 80% of our results are what we do with our nutrition not the 20% in the gym. I still have to get my mind around that because I have always believed the opposite. I love to work out. In fact, I am off to lift weights this morning. Chest day. :)Kelly
  • I have just purchased Max's protein products and Getting a workout routine sorted. I didn't sign up for the challenge this yr, I have to drop 20+kilos to get back to solid 110kilo build. current routine is cardio, 6 daysx1hr, upper body 3 days, abs 3 days. will alter this as I go, dropping cardio and increasing strength. So are you building mass, or ripping what you have, will you gain or lose weight? I look forward to following your progress, sharing my own and wish everyone the best.
  • Hi Guys,

    This is my second transformation program, I started the first one in January 2012 (11 weeks ago) my weight was 82 kilos and because I am only 1.67 cms my BMI was 29.9% fat, Now I am 71 kilos and 24.5% my goals with this challenge is drop another 5 kilos and reduce my fat percentage to 15% also I am aiming to get ripped and lean and at the end of the program gain some muscle.

    I could shed all those kilos basically by following an strict diet..... so Nutrition is very important but also doing cardio every day for at least 40 minutes per day and weights 5 days per week.
  • stevedawg92
    stevedawg92 Posts: 4 Member