PCOS Diet Support site experience?

smarrell Posts: 32 Member
Has anyone used the PCOS Diet Support site? Any reviews? I'm in that super frustrated place where I've never worked harder at losing weight, and I've had some success, I'm also having plenty of days where I didn't make a single misstep and still gained or didn't lose anything.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I have never used that site specifically, but I tend to find the most useful info and recommended sites from ladies down here in the trenches. Welcome to the land of frustration, questioning your sanity, and stalls for days/years! We're here...and we will share anything that can possibly help.

    There is a literal verifiable TON of info in the most recent page or two of posts. They are well worth the read when you have time!

    Welcome, and sorry that you HAVE to be here with us, but glad that you are here with us. (hugs)
  • stacicali
    stacicali Posts: 137 Member
    I second Knit. This forum is a great place and full of wisdom. The PCOS site I have been most impressed with (and gives the most info away for free) is www.pcosdiva.com. I have not paid for anything yet though I'm considering their fall meal plan. Click on the Expert Interviews for lots of great free info and click on the sample menu to get some free recipes and an idea of what they offer before purchasing a meal plan. Best of luck in your search and know that you are not alone! Feel free to post what your current plan of attack is and ask for feedback. Include supplements, Rxs, and exercise plan and what you are currently eating (opening up your diet on MFP is helpful.) Insulin Resistance and inflammation tend to be at the heart of many PCOS woes. Next time you go to the dr, request a fasting insulin test (bloodwork.) My understanding is that if your insulin is higher than a 5, your body is working against you and storing fat along with a bunch of other unpleasantness. I'm struggling with that right now myself and starting to experiment with intermittent fasting and High intensity interval training to try to get it down. Good luck and know that we are on your team!
  • smarrell
    smarrell Posts: 32 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I have never used that site specifically, but I tend to find the most useful info and recommended sites from ladies down here in the trenches. Welcome to the land of frustration, questioning your sanity, and stalls for days/years! We're here...and we will share anything that can possibly help.

    There is a literal verifiable TON of info in the most recent page or two of posts. They are well worth the read when you have time!

    Welcome, and sorry that you HAVE to be here with us, but glad that you are here with us. (hugs)

    Thanks! I really appreciate how active you are on this group!
  • smarrell
    smarrell Posts: 32 Member
    stacicali wrote: »
    I second Knit. This forum is a great place and full of wisdom. The PCOS site I have been most impressed with (and gives the most info away for free) is www.pcosdiva.com. I have not paid for anything yet though I'm considering their fall meal plan. Click on the Expert Interviews for lots of great free info and click on the sample menu to get some free recipes and an idea of what they offer before purchasing a meal plan. Best of luck in your search and know that you are not alone! Feel free to post what your current plan of attack is and ask for feedback. Include supplements, Rxs, and exercise plan and what you are currently eating (opening up your diet on MFP is helpful.) Insulin Resistance and inflammation tend to be at the heart of many PCOS woes. Next time you go to the dr, request a fasting insulin test (bloodwork.) My understanding is that if your insulin is higher than a 5, your body is working against you and storing fat along with a bunch of other unpleasantness. I'm struggling with that right now myself and starting to experiment with intermittent fasting and High intensity interval training to try to get it down. Good luck and know that we are on your team!

    Thanks! I'll start to work on a more comprehensive post to go over what I've got going on!
  • karran1205
    karran1205 Posts: 1 Member
    While I agree with the other ladies (that this group is full of loads of information on how to battle PCOS), I have enjoyed different aspects of PCOS Diet Support. I only used the free version of the website (you can pay to have them give you a weekly diet plan, and they will contact you in order to hold you accountable and answer specific questions), but it was a good resource in reference to others.
    If you haven't had to explain this confusing disorder to family or friends, you are very fortunate. I liked the posts that PCOS Diet Support had that were specifically geared towards loved ones and answering their questions.
    In general, it's a good resource and answered some questions I had, and brought up other ones that I could ask about here. I feel like anything that helps and answers questions isn't a bad thing :)
  • lmoleschi
    lmoleschi Posts: 13 Member
    I agree!

    Recently diagnosed over here ..I also found that pcosdiva.com was pretty helpful for information and ideas, was also considering trying out one of their meal plans just to see if it would help keep me down the right track. Eventually I would like to be able to obtain enough info. to just kinda create my own meal plans.

    I am pretty good at meal prepping and logging, I just find I get overwhelmed when searching for information sometimes, so I would be open to any suggestions or web pages or groups =)

    I find I lack personal motivation more often than not and once I fall off the wagon eating wise that it just spirals from there LOL

    Right now I am just trying to learn what foods are better than others and why, carb & GI wise mainly, also started to gain interest in natropathic remedies, I want to start learning more about natural things that promote hormone balance and just health all around.

    It is a STRUGGLE! But its comforting to know that there are other people out there kinda going through the same journey. =)