When did you start Isagenix?

KC907 Posts: 6 Member
How long has it been? What results have you seen so far? I just re-started last week and have let go of 5 pounds. I am working hard, using my elliptical often and hoping to see some fantastic results! Share your story here!


  • teachus3
    teachus3 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    I began on December 26, 2015. To date I have lost 22 lbs & 20"! Looking to see what other people find successful on the program & what workout ideas they enjoy.
  • jamie5709
    jamie5709 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started yesterday!! Looking forward to my first cleanse next week
  • bramirez924
    bramirez924 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is Day 4!! I'm really enjoying this program so far. I feel amazing, sleep better & have tons more energy already!! My first cleanse will be Thursday & Friday this week!! Scared...but super excited about the results.
  • KC907
    KC907 Posts: 6 Member
    Good Luck on your cleanses!! I started a two day cleanse this morning. So far so good! =)
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    I've nearly been going 2 months :) started on the 1st March
  • isafreshme
    isafreshme Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I have just started today, first day has been a breeze. I've signed up for the 30 day pack. So looking forward to seeing some awesome changes.
  • jalumpa
    jalumpa Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying the BBC tonight
  • kcwb
    kcwb Posts: 1 Member
    I started today!
  • Donna36232399
    Donna36232399 Posts: 10 Member
    I started April 19. lost 14.7 pounds and many inches so far. I find this program very easy. Any shake recipes being shared yet? I made one tonight, Almond joy; use trader joe's coconut beverage, no sugar, 45 cal for 8 oz, a tablespoon of coconut flakes 45 cal, 8 almonds 45 cal, isalean chocolate shake 2 scoops 240 cal, ice, blend. very rich and very filling, this shake is hard to finish for me. a great treat and break from the regular day to day shake.
  • Donna36232399
    Donna36232399 Posts: 10 Member
    is anyone willing to share their progress so far on Isagenix? I just started my 2nd 30 day program. going to do a 3rd as well.
  • tealtortoise
    tealtortoise Posts: 53 Member
    I got serious Jan 23,2017. I am down 40lbs. The simply if this program works for me....plus, I enjoy the shakes. I would love more Isafriends!
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    I started February 2017, and I am down 27 pounds. I love Isagenix's products. I have done over the counter protein shakes, Shakeology, ItWorks, and I like Isagenix the best. I would also welcome other IsaFriends.