How many calories are you eating now?



  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm a year out, still losing although much slower (actually been in a bit of stall but not gaining for last month or so) and I get just under 1400. I imagine when I enter maintenance I will be around 1500 - 1600, I struggle some days to get the 1400 in, I try to eat clean and gluten free (I do make bad choices every now and again - today I had some white pizza for lunch, so it's shrimp and salad for dinner to make sure I hit my macro plan). I work out 5-6 days a week - strength or cardio training. I am down 101lbs, my HW was six years ago 387 SW 272 CW 170, I'm 5'1". I feel I can lose another 20lbs or so, my surgeons goal was 190 :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am 2 1/2 years out. I crept up a bit so now I am doing a little damage control. I am down about 200-ish lbs from my start weight. My surgeon has me on 1300 calories, and he said I will likely have to stay around there. I do cardio 5 times a week, yoga twice a week, and strength training two or three times a week. I have found that carbs just don't work for me, even if I stay within my calorie range. Since I cut out all carbs again, I am starting to lose again.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.
  • arjeffries136
    arjeffries136 Posts: 51 Member
    I had mine done 1/27/16. Started at 272 surgery day and I'm at 224. I eat 800 to 900 calories daily and I usualy walk or ride a bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes. My weight loss isn't linear. It's stop and go depending on the week.
  • diazwoman
    diazwoman Posts: 24 Member
    i had my surgery the same time you did, 12/5/12. Highest weight 260, lowest weight 175, goal weight 140 and current weight 190. I am doing damage control, let myself get off track and my carbs went up and up and here I am. Just decided to really get my mind in the game May 1st, I am tracking macros , trying for 1500 calories and a 40/40/20 split ,
    at least 8 glasses of water and at least 30 minutes of some type of structured activity per day.
    However its a learning curve so starting small by concentrating on logging everything and prep of meals.
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member
    hw 400 sw 389 cw 271 i eat around 1300 a day and im 8 months out
  • TamaraC81
    TamaraC81 Posts: 2 Member
    I try to stay right around 1000 calories for 5 days of the week, and the other 2 days I allow myself 1600 calories. On my 1600 days Sometimes I hit it, other times I blow it (way to high like 2000), and the most days I fall 200-300 calories short of 1600. My surgery was 12/18/12. Starting weight 242# lowest was 180# current is 216.5#.

  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I am 1 1/2 yrs out from the sleeve. My clinic would have me stay at around 800-900 calories if I wasn't exercising. If I am exercising, I go more for about 1000-1200 calories.
  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    ujuoba wrote: »
    The creep was creeping higher and higher at 1800!! I've taken myself down to 1200, though I haven't met that goal yet. My creep came as a result of not logging my food and snacking on carbs all day. Still trying to STOP the carb snacking. Being British, I use tea time as an excuse to have a carbo snack. Guess we are all appreciating what alumni told us....the surgery was just a tool, not a solution. Though the downride was amazing, wondrous, and encouraging...when recovery is complete, sneaky old habits that want us back start trying to derail us. I'm here as a support for anyone that asks.

    So true!
    Im down 107Lbs since surgery 2 years ago, still not at target but the calories have increased and I have stayed the same best part of 6 months. Not writing it down! Back on track now and keeping to about 1200-1500 a day with regular exercise. I work full time in an office so sitting down most of the day, damn they keep bringing in cakes :) But i have resisted so far.
    Here for support if needed.
  • streaky52
    streaky52 Posts: 3 Member
    ssbeadlady wrote: »
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.

    You are not eating enough, that's why you are stalling. Try to get in 1100 - 1300 cal daily ( and drink lots of water) and the stall will stop. Your body is in starvation mode for the amount of exercise you are doing.
  • streaky52
    streaky52 Posts: 3 Member
    My surgery was March 1st, 2016. Aged 48, HW 278, CW 218, GW 150. I track macros (30/30/40 C/F/P) aim for 1100 calories daily and at least 8 glasses of water. I eat on a schedule, take all my vitamins, mostly get enough sleep, and focus on a minimum of 30 minutes walk most days. (It's early days yet, so walking is sufficient) I also measure food, prepare a lot of meals, log everything and try to be kind to myself. Skip the perfect and aim for the good enough, so that I like my life. So far it's working, weight loss has been steady 1.5- 3 lbs per week. I eat lots of veg & fruit and limit bread, cereal, pasta & rice.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    edited May 2016
    streaky52 wrote: »
    ssbeadlady wrote: »
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.

    You are not eating enough, that's why you are stalling. Try to get in 1100 - 1300 cal daily ( and drink lots of water) and the stall will stop. Your body is in starvation mode for the amount of exercise you are doing.

    @ssbeadlady Not true, so don't listen to this. You're not in starvation mode.

    One thing my doctor continues to stress to me is to realize that it may be more difficult for me, as a woman, to lose weight than my husband (we both had the sleeve). However, my weight has been steadily decreasing (I'm eating about 900 a day right now). My husband is like you: he'll lose some weight, stay the same for awhile, drop a whole bunch, repeat. You've lost 40lbs in 13 weeks which is an average of 3lbs a week. You're doing fine.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    streaky52 wrote: »
    ssbeadlady wrote: »
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.

    You are not eating enough, that's why you are stalling. Try to get in 1100 - 1300 cal daily ( and drink lots of water) and the stall will stop. Your body is in starvation mode for the amount of exercise you are doing.

    @ssbeadlady Not true, so don't listen to this. You're not in starvation mode.

    One thing my doctor continues to stress to me is to realize that it may be more difficult for me, as a woman, to lose weight than my husband (we both had the sleeve). However, my weight has been steadily decreasing (I'm eating about 900 a day right now). My husband is like you: he'll lose some weight, stay the same for awhile, drop a whole bunch, repeat. You've lost 40lbs in 13 weeks which is an average of 3lbs a week. You're doing fine.

    Thanks chubby checkers There was no physical way I could have increased my calories up to 1100-1300 so no need to worry. Over the past 3 weeks I was able to go from 600 to 800 calories and I did lose 14 more pounds. I have come to believe that I am like your husband. Lost 12 to 14 over 2 to 3 weeks and then stay at that weight for 2 weeks and drop again. In 16 weeks since my surgery I have lost 54. I am very happy with that weight loss and hope to continue to get below 200 by Jan 2017
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Thanks for all the great responses. Since I originally posted this question, I managed to finally get past myself and did a follow up visit with the surgeon about 3 weeks ago. Best thing I could have done. No more guessing how much I should be eating. Dietician wants me eating 1000 calories per day. They also gave me another pre-op info binder, since my surgery was 3 years ago. They said some info had changed. There were so many things I had forgotten about. This was just what I needed. Doing well on 1000 cals per day. Follow up visit in about 2 months. :smiley:
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    garber6th wrote: »
    I am 2 1/2 years out. I crept up a bit so now I am doing a little damage control. I am down about 200-ish lbs from my start weight. My surgeon has me on 1300 calories, and he said I will likely have to stay around there. I do cardio 5 times a week, yoga twice a week, and strength training two or three times a week. I have found that carbs just don't work for me, even if I stay within my calorie range. Since I cut out all carbs again, I am starting to lose again.

    Just a quick question for you, by any chance are PCOS? I am maintaining at my current weight but feel like I could lose another 20lbs and even though I am balanced in my eating I am thinking I need to de-carb my life too...
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    joysie1970 wrote: »
    garber6th wrote: »
    I am 2 1/2 years out. I crept up a bit so now I am doing a little damage control. I am down about 200-ish lbs from my start weight. My surgeon has me on 1300 calories, and he said I will likely have to stay around there. I do cardio 5 times a week, yoga twice a week, and strength training two or three times a week. I have found that carbs just don't work for me, even if I stay within my calorie range. Since I cut out all carbs again, I am starting to lose again.

    Just a quick question for you, by any chance are PCOS? I am maintaining at my current weight but feel like I could lose another 20lbs and even though I am balanced in my eating I am thinking I need to de-carb my life too...

    I am not dealing with PCOS, but I am pre-menopausal, and I really think that is affecting my weight loss. I also feel like the weight is distributing differently on my body, and different foods have different results. Hormones can really throw things off.
  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    edited July 2016
    HW: 360 SurgeryW: 320 LW: 170 CW: 205 5'10" M

    I slipped off the wagon some which led to the regain but have things back under control with the app. I'd like to get back down to the 180 zone and have my goal set to 1700 per my Dr. Most days it's a struggle to get above 1500. I have my splits set to 50% Carbs, 20% Fat, 30% Protein but usually I'm high on the protein side and low on the carbs. Seems to have kick started things back in the right direction as I've lost ~12lbs in the past few weeks since I started tracking again. Food is usually not the issue for me as I still feel the restriction 2.5 years out, it's high calorie drinks for me.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    I had surgery on 06/27/16. I am down about 38 pounds (although I am secretly wishing it was more). I try to work out 4 - 5 days per week, focusing more on cardio but including some weight training at least 2 days. I can see changes and so can other people, so I hope and pray that I am doing the right things. Some days I can get in about 1100 calories, but most days I am under. The scale did stall on me for about 4 weeks, but it has started to move again.
  • carpe_vinum
    carpe_vinum Posts: 53 Member
    I am only five weeks out of surgery and am averaging 750ish calories a day. I keep my protein over 80g and my carbs around 40g
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member