
Hey everyone, looking for fellow bikini or figure competitors. If you set a date for an upcoming show or are thinking about competing, I want to know what inspired you to do it!


  • 4ftheat
    4ftheat Posts: 2 Member
    Hey meganmarie199!

    I just competed in my first show late last year and I am currently hoping to do a show in either June or July. My motivation was simply that I love to challenge myself physically and having been a competitive dancer for years, I just really missed the stage. What lead you to this path?

  • nataliewalters5851
    nataliewalters5851 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Fellow dancer here! I definitely can relate to missing the discipline and excitement that goes with dance and stepping on the stage too. I set a date for my first Bikini show for Oct 1st, 2016. I started lifting seriously about 1 1/2 years ago and I want to push myself physically and mentally. My brother is a bodybuilding competitor and seeing him go through the process got me so excited to do it myself. Not currently in prep, I have about 6 more weeks to go but excited to follow other's journey!
  • SamsRoses77
    SamsRoses77 Posts: 2 Member
    Is this group still active? I am competing in Figure on November 12, 2016! Then moving on to compete in Arnold Amateur's in 2017. Super pumped. Coming in at 11% body fat for the first show, and then at 8% for Arnold's.