February 2017

teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
Hi there :) I am currently 14 weeks pregnant and due in February 2017, am looking for any other ladies due around the same time I can friend for some support in relation to weight gain and a healthy pregnancy? I have gained 4kg in my first trimester and realising I probably need to rein in this "eating for two" business before it gets out of hand. Would love to meet some people on here that I can go through my pregnancy with on MFP :)


  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 286 Member
    Hi! Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm due on Jan 24, so I'm just a bit ahead of you. I also gained ~3.5kg during my first trimester and I am a bit worried about my weight gain. Now, at 19 weeks, I'm at +4.5kg and my doc recommended not to gain for the next month, especially since I already have some back pain. I just started logging again, hopefully that will help. Feel free to add me!
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one haha I know I shouldn't be too panicked but it's time to start reigning it in a little and being more conscious of what goes into my mouth! Have just sent you a friend request :)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm due January 13th, but I'm totally not worrying about weight gain this go round. It's my last baby and the first time I haven't had serious food aversions. I'm also going to be 38 so I'm just trying to keep this pregnancy as low key as possible since I'm kinda high strung in general. I think I'm up about 10-12lbs. Havent' weighed since my last OB appointment that will be a month ago tomorrow. So, I guess they will weigh me tomorrow.
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm also due around the same time as all of you. My due date is January 28. I read that it's normal to gain 5-7 lbs in the first trimester and 1 lb each week after that. I'd say that's pretty accurate for my weight gain so far.

    Because of an issue I had a little earlier in the pregnancy, I haven't really been able to exercise. Hopefully the doctor will clear me to start again in a couple weeks. I am not looking to lose any weight at this point, even though my weight was kind of on the high side (for myself) when I became pregnant. I just want to feel good and keep up my energy. I hope exercise will help me deal with the third trimester. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone! Congrats on all your pregnancies!!

    I am 18 weeks today and due Feb 22. I went to the doctor yesterday and I am up 8 lbs in the last month! So far, a total of 11 lbs. I was completely caught off guard by this number because I have actually been feeling pretty great! My doctor warned me to watch what I eat. I am hoping to be more diligent in tracking my food & exercise. I gained 42 lbs with my son and hope to not gain that much this time around.
  • bridgethoganlee
    bridgethoganlee Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm due 2/18. I'm not the best eater so I'm tracking my calories so that my baby will come out healthy and chubby. So far I've gained about 8 pounds. Friend me!
  • I'm due February 18th so just over 20 weeks now.
  • laurendawnnn
    laurendawnnn Posts: 28 Member
    I'm due the 19th of February and already overweight so I lost weight in first trimester and now I'm only up 1lb now. Hope to keep my gain to 10lbs.
  • laurendawnnn
    laurendawnnn Posts: 28 Member
    How are all the February mom's doing? I found out I'm having my third girl, and husband and I are talking about getting my tubes tied during my c section. Any others have a c section planned?

    I'm still only 1 lb up so I'm at 176 at 5'3. Walking almost everyday and jogging 3 times a week (although not very long distances jogging)
  • heffsloop
    heffsloop Posts: 4 Member
    Due Feb 14 - and up about 7 pounds at the 23 week mark. Trying to get back to tracking to make sure nothing gets out of hand, especially with Halloween candy and the holidays around the corner...

    Not exercising, which I need to do more of, but chasing around after my 4 year old helps.

    No planned C-section here. We're going back and forth on tubal ligation versus vasectomy in our house.
  • laurendawnnn
    laurendawnnn Posts: 28 Member
    We are planning to do both vasectomy and tubal in our house haha. I also have a 4 year old. Just turned 4 in sept.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    Congrats, everyone! :)

    I'm ''due'' on 20 February 2017. I've already gained 9kg!!! I have started exercising again (yesterday) and I'll be tracking again from today onwards.