Hi to all an introduction.

My name is Donna Kaatz. And I am a beliver and I am glad to find this site. I am praying that more people join and for gods blessings on you all.I go to weight wathchers. And I have since october lost 80 pounds I used to be very inactive and sick. Now I walk and excersise every day and keep on the weight watchers program. I stopped drinkig diet coke and all pop. I drink mostly tea and water. I stopped eating alot of salt and junk food. Praise god for a second chance.


  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    Nice to meet you Donna. My name is Cliff Hansen. I am a believer who walked away as a young person but came back in 2012 as a "middle-aged" man. I am much changed over the last 4 years mentally and physically in addition to spiritually.
    I was diagnosed with diabetes last year although I did not fit the stereotypical profile as I have worked out regularly since my youth and was only about 195 lbs and 6'1".

    I am down a bit more than 15 lbs since then and very close to what I think is my optimal weight. My diet has changed dramatically as before my philosophy was to work out as much as I had to in order to be able to eat whatever I wanted in whatever quantity I wanted. That is probably the cause of my diabetes.

    I have also given up diet drinks (mostly Diet Dr Pepper) because I found it spiked my blood sugar as much as real sugar did. Turns out that is not uncommon.

    God has led me to resources which have helped me significantly reduce my blood sugar, and, by His grace, I am not on any medication now and will hopefully have it low enough to not even be in the pre-diabetic range by my next appointment in November.
  • jadynkaatz
    jadynkaatz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi It was nice to hear from you. I have diabetes to and since I have lost weight and changed my eating and the food I eat. My doctor took me off my diabetic meds and told me that my diabetes was fantastically improved. He said that he specializes in working with diabetes and he was happy to tell me that. That doesnt happen very often. My family has had people die from diabetes and I said it is not going to be me. I was 352 pounds and now I am 275 and I am not done yet. I want to get down to 165 pounds. I found a park near my house with a walking track and a nice path. Praise god for my good report from my doctor. I was very sick several times and god has been faithful and healed me each time. The lord convicted that he was healing me that I needed to do my part. My body is a temple of the holy spirit and I need to take better care of myself. I have been working and taking care of everyone else. I dont work anymore because I was sick. And my family is grown. I will pray for you to have a good report from your doctor concerning your diabetes. God bless you. Have a blessed night.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    That is awesome that it has improved. I am praying for you to have the strength needed on this journey as it will be long and not always easy. I thank God for the fact that he has allowed us into His family and that despite differences geographically, culturally and physically, we are all still one family in Him. As family we can support and strengthen each other for His glory.