


  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    ok so i fell off yet again i work at a pizza place and have been working all kinds of hours even closing till 2 am and opening at 7 am so i relie on alot of monster to get me threw i know its not great but when u run out of steem and still have 4 hours to go it really helps.

    the next issue is its so cheap to just grab a slive or two rather than make a real something and aparently we are not aloud to really bring outside food in which throws bringing lunch out the window i have recently discovered how cheap out salads can be so i think ill be getting more of those

    and sadly my exercise is work where im running around refilling things and filing orders (not real running but almost always moving) and walking around while shoping not usually food tho

    but because of my living situation and my schedual i have ben relying on mostly non perishable items muffins fiber one and yess snack cakes too zebra are my fave and yes i know i have a problem but its easy and conveient to just grab and go i do have some granola bars but i bought chewie ones that i hate and sometimes the hard ones hurt to eat i have tmj

    the last thing i have to figure out is im either not hungry at all or i want to eat everything. i make sure i eat before work and on long shifts at work when i get home i either have a sandwhich or a snack something or i just dont eat i do nap alot when i get home so my body can rest and feel less sore and sometimes i dont even eat dinner i just have a snack so i dont wake up starving and just go to bed but on days that im not working or not at work for a while i want everything or i just stay on the coutch (aka my bed) and organize or talk to my bf and ignore food

    so yes i know in a conundrum wraped in an enigma but i dont know what to do and im looking for advice and help in any way i might get it
  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Embera and welcome!

    First, I totally understand about working long hours and trying to fit in healthy eating -- and at a pizza place! Wow -- that must be so hard! But it sounds like the good news is that there's salads there, so that would be my strategy. I'd figure out which dressings are the best choice (low-fat, low-calorie) and rely on that. And is the policy on outside food about full meals only? For instance, could you bring in something like an apple or banana or bottle of water? Or healthy toppings for the salad maybe?

    You mentioned eating before work -- if it were me, I would aim to do that every, single day. I try to eat low carb, so most workdays I'll eat a scrambled egg (use cooking spray on a paper or ceramic bowl, break the egg, add in Mrs. Dash, microwave for 1 minute) and fruit, or I'll opt for something super fast like low-fat/low-calorie yogurt like Great Value (tons of flavors). For dinner, if you're not super hungry, maybe some corn chips and salsa? Cheese stick and 1 serving of healthy nuts? Or something else that you like, but isn't a full meal.

    And it sounds like you're moving around alot at work too. What if you started wearing a pedometer? Maybe get an inexpensive one from Wal-Mart so you can get an idea of how many steps you get each day (I bet you'd be surprised!). That way, it's not a huge investment starting out. I did that and worked up to a FitBit, which I love. For my work,I end up sitting all day in front of a computer; I'd love to be able to move around more for my job. And, if you're like me, stressed out after a day of work, maybe something like a yoga routine would be relaxing (I have several DVDs and I just do what I can).

    Honestly, it's really a matter of experimentation to see what best fits your schedule and your metabolism, not to mention your taste buds. The main thing is to keep going, no matter what setbacks come your way. I'm coming back after being sick for nearly a month, so eventhough I'm back at the starting point, I know that healthy eating and exercise are what will make the next decades of my life (Lord willing) more vigorous, energetic and enjoyable.

    Plus, you've got all of us to support you! You can do it!!


  • Sharons_solution
    Sharons_solution Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone - I love the idea of a smaller group so we can truly support each other. My name is Sharon and I live in beautiful coastal NC with my husband of almost 23 years and our 3 dogs. My weight has been a problem my entire life - I was the queen of yo-yo dieting through my teens until my mid-40s. Something snapped then between work (I work long hours at a job I love), moving across the country multiple times due to corporate mergers and just getting old. I said ENOUGH and let myself go a bit. Too much wine, too many sweets. I am committed to learning a healthy way of life that I can maintain forever.
    Present weight: 166.2
    Goal weight:125
    Interests:reading, walking, dog agility training, yoga, healthcare research (that is my job too)
    Personal difficulties in losing weight: I tend to be all or nothing, working on learning to slip and pick myself up rather than quitting if I am not perfect. Sweets and wine are my nemesis. Binge eating is a lifelong issue that I manage better when I get off the sugar (I seem to have no off switch with refined carbs and sugar). I also have Celiac Disease which has its challenges but is frankly an asset at times too ..... reduces the options for refined carbs dramatically.
  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Nice to meet you Sharon!

    This community is usually a little more active, but I bet with summer coming on, some are out and about on vacation.

    And I hear you about too much wine; I like a small glass with dinner every other night, but I know those calories can rack up. I have the same goal weight in my mind, too, as yours. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you? I'm 5'4" and when I've been 125 in the past, it felt just spot on -- healthy and strong, but not too skinny.

    So how's your week been so far? I was down and out for about a month, but I'm climbing back into the exercise routine and it feels good. However, my family and I will be traveling for vacation next week, so I'm sure I'll get off track with food (although I'm still going to put everything here in MFP) and not as much exercise.

    I can also relate with the "perfect or nothing" mentality -- I'm exactly the same! I'm trying to be kinder to myself, like I would a family member or friend.

    What are some tips that help you? And hang in there -- we can do it!!

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    I haven't been here in awhile. You can figure that when I disappear I'm either on an exotic vacation or on a vacation from eating wisely. Guess which this time? UGH! I've done a bunch of bingeing and have gained 5 pounds.

    Have you heard the one about the foodaholic who decided she didn't need to keep a food journal because she could do it on her own?

    Neither have I, because it ain't funny.

    So here I am again. Starting over for the umpteenth time. I console myself with the fact that I lost 20 pounds before I gained 5 so I'm still at a pretty decent net loss.

    At 159 and 5'2", even ignoring those nasty medical charts which say I should weigh between 118-132, I know my body looks and works best at around 135. So my goal is to lose 24 pounds sometime in this lifetime, preferably within a year. I hope to be 150 by the end of July. 9 pounds in 2 months - not SO much to hope for if I can just stay on track. I lose weight VERY slowly even at 1200 calories a day and an hour on the elliptical machine.

    I'm teaching three very full yoga and meditation classes this semester and also have two private sessions a week. While yoga doesn't really burn calories (yes, even Ashtanga folks), they say it's a great way to be more mindful about what you eat. That seems to be mildly true for me but only mildly. I'm aware of bingeing, but in the moment I just don't care a lot.

    I could never EVER :o work in a pizza place. I used to order a family sized pizza and eat the whole thing my freshman year in college. Well, sometimes I'd leave a slice or two for a pizza breakfast but I'm guessing that's not a whole lot better. Any chance you could find employment in a healthier environment for you, Embera?

    Hey, Sharon, welcome! Being on MFP and staying active in a group is sort of like being the member of a gym - it takes persistence to stick with it and most people don't. But if you do, you ultimately see great results. I hope you'll allow us to prod and nudge you if you disappear from time to time. Meanwhile, good luck! We're all rooting for you.

    And, hey, please PLEASE everybody - send me a message if you see I disappear for more than a week. I'm off eating unwisely and will appreciate the reminder to come back to sanity.

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Anyone? :/
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Where is everyone?
    Away for the summer?
    Just away?
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    HI--my name is MissDi and I am 62 years old. I feel old. My weight is at it's all time highest at 180. I would like to get down to 150 at least. More if possible. It is hard for me to get motivated to exercise. I belong to Silver Sneakers and go 2-3 times a week. But it isn't enough to get me to sweat or lose many calories. It's basically enough to get me moving. I am working on my eating and have trouble staying in my fat allowance yet my calories are lower most days than allowed. Right now I'd like to get some tips from those who have trouble exercising and motivation to do it. I really need to get this weight off!!!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hi ladies! I know I haven't posted here in a very long time. I'm hoping a few people are still around!

    Welcome @MissDi321! I'm 56 and when I decided to join MyFitnessPal I weighed about the same as you. I've managed to drop about 20 pounds and have been stuck there for over 6 months. Kind of frustrating! My goal weight is 149 because that will put me in the "normal" weight category for my height. Even at my current 158-160 I feel much better than I did 20 pounds ago.

    Hoping to hear from a few others like me who have been MIA!

  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Rae! Good to hear from you. I was wondering if everyone on this group just abandoned ship? I had a "bad" weekend--went so off my meal was our 44th anniversary and we went to visit our youngest son and wife and our 3 yr old grandson. Eating healthy isn't on their radar and so I just ate what they had. Then went to my husband's brother's where they were having a party and great food. I ate. Had a Dr appt this AM and I gained 2 lbs. not too bad but I'm back on the wagon today. can't afford the downward slide!! I am needing to get moving and burn calories....I'm hoping that will come.
    Blessings Di
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    I've been MIA for ages. Went on vacation for a month out of the country. Totally off the wagon. When I got back the first of September I just kept on that off the wagon stuff. All in all, I've gained 7 pounds since March and feel every ounce of it.

    Started tentatively getting back on track a few days ago and am now officially trying to lose what is now a little over 20 pounds...again. 23 to be exact. Why 23? Who knows. Just an arbitrary number. I remember looking great at 138 even though all the charts say I should weigh around 130 (or less?)

    So - 23 pounds in 8 or 9 months. What do you think?

    Aside from the problem of eating ( ;) ), I'm also having some very uncomfortable discomfort/pain down the back of my legs. Not sure if it's piriformis, sciatica or something else altogether. Using yoga to try to deal with it. Limiting myself to half an hour a day on the elliptical machine. None of that bodes well for weight loss.

    Maybe I'll finally do that pesky meniscus surgery in February when the studio is closed for winter break.

    So - hoping someone pops back in here so we can get started again.

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I'm still here! Sorta! LOL Funny, I was just thinking of you today and was planning to send you an email.

    I've checked back from time to time to see if anyone was posting. So glad to hear from you again, Aliza! I've had a very busy summer and nothing is slowing down. My October is almost completely booked. What retirement?? Coming up a 3 day trip to the Oregon coast to spend time with my son and grandkids this week, a 10K bridge walk/run about 4 hours from home the following weekend, an Oregon Ducks football game, and then <drum roll> a week long trip to Maui with my favorite husband to celebrate our 35th anniversary! I would sure love to drop at least 5 before the Hawaii trip. We leave on the 27th - doable?? IDK

    Incidentally, I've had similar pains in the back of my legs. Like a sharp stabbing right in the middle of the hamstring area. So weird. I talked to my doctor about it and she thinks it's just a muscle spasm, but it's very odd.

    I have an early morning - heading to a conference in Portland (about an hour away) that starts at 8:00, so I'll need to be on the road much earlier than my norm. I'll check back in later this weekend.

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Wow! Maui! And 35 years! I don't know which is more exciting. So many couples don't make it to 20, much less 35, these days.

    Have a GREAT time!

    (And, yes, I do think 5 by the 27th is doable)

    Glad to be back in touch.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    If anyone is still around and wants to connect, please send me a friend request or PM. I'm cleaning up my group list and this one isn't active anymore.

    Hope everyone is doing well and I'll say Ciao for now!