Monday Accountability

kdeclerq Posts: 65 Member
Hello everyone! Tomorrow is Monday!

I know, I hate them too.

But, it also indicates the start of a new week. Post your goals below and we can check in at the end of the week to see where we are. What happened last week to make you choose those specific goals? Know that we are all here to help you accomplish them!

Here are mine: Drink more water. I became severely dehydrated and couldn't complete the workouts I scheduled. Which is embarrassing considering it was yoga. I also want to track my food. Last week I was better, but still left a few dinners incomplete.

I made some great food Sunday and did some grocery shopping so I'm hoping I won't be as tempted to eat out this week. What about you? Any prep to share?


  • kdeclerq
    kdeclerq Posts: 65 Member
    How is everyone doing? I'm not going to post accountability threads everyday until we get enough members to respond — or else it's just my voice ranting about life and that's not interesting haha. I'm not doing that great with tracking, but I have been drinking more water. Still feeling under the weather which is annoying, but I've been going for walks if I dont' feel up to running.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    My goal this week is to stick to my food plan , stay within my healthy boundaries and feel good about myself for doing so. Today I have achieved that goal.
  • ellistea
    ellistea Posts: 12 Member
    My goal for this week is to begin tracking using MFP both food and exercise. I'll weigh next Sunday or Monday (not sure yet) and measure. Today, Monday 9/26 - I met my goal. Yay me!
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    My goal this week is to stay within my sugar limit and eat more fruits and vegetables. Football is big in our house on Sundays and for the past 3 weeks I've done a little damage and it takes me the rest of the week to undo it, only to have Sunday roll around again! So my other goal is to faithfully and truthfully log on Sunday and not over indulge.
  • My weekly goal is to get my steps in each day, drink my water each day, and eat within my calories. Nothing crazy but I'm doing a bit of a reset and need to get in the groove of the basics again to wash out some bad habits I picked up this month
  • sewhappy16
    sewhappy16 Posts: 3 Member
    My goal this week is to exercise 30 minutes a day for the rest of the week (with one rest day). I changed my work schedule so I can work out in the morning now. Today was the first day for that and it was hard but I made myself do it. I hope tomorrow will be easier.
    If I log my food everyday that will be a bonus but I'm not making it a hard goal this week.
  • mfezziwig359
    mfezziwig359 Posts: 21 Member
    My goal is to log everything I eat (amazing how much easier it is to say "no" to something if I know it will put me over my calorie limit,) limit my sugar intake, and exercise at least five times this week for an average of 30 minutes.
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello all! It is a new week. My goals this week are to swim 45mins/ day and walk at least 5,000 steps with my fitbit. I would also like to get back to drinking my 1 gallon of water a day and calorie count my food. Good luck to everyone. You've got this! <3
  • mfezziwig359
    mfezziwig359 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello right back at'cha! My goal this week is to do my workouts in the morning before the day has a chance to get ahead of me, to keep up my water intake, and continue to post EVERYTHING that I eat. Wishing everyone a great week!
  • ellistea
    ellistea Posts: 12 Member
    My goals for Oct 3-9 - 1. Log every day into MFP; 2. two walks over 30 minutes (I try and walk almost every day for at least 30 - so this is 2 over 30); 3. stay within my sugar grams at least 5 of 7 days

    Keeping the goals simple, so I can meet them!

    Last week - I logged for 7 days - weight was down around 4 lbs (but first week, so plenty of water).
  • sewhappy16
    sewhappy16 Posts: 3 Member
    For this week: 1. exercise 5 days 2. log food. I got up the courage to weigh in so now I have a baseline.
  • drezsonya1
    drezsonya1 Posts: 9 Member
    My goals for this week: 5 workouts, log food daily, STOP EATING JUNK!!! Because I want and need this accountability, if anyone wants to add me on please do.
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Good Morning all. It's Monday morning and that means getting back on track if you got off over the weekend. I got a little off. This week I've decided to start me vegetarian diet. A few years ago I switched to vegan and that lasted about three years. Now I was to start again and continue for a few months. Good luck on your goals this week!
  • mfezziwig359
    mfezziwig359 Posts: 21 Member
    This weeks goals are to maintain my current exercise schedule, and increase my water intake. I find myself drinking less water when the temperature drops, and then experience more food cravings.