24 F 5' 5'' CW 170lb GW 140lb

Hi would love to find a twin to motivate and keep in contact with, please get in contact is you want to! Claire


  • julzbird
    julzbird Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Claire,
    I also need a twin to help keep me motivated! I'm 21, 183cm (6'), CW: 70kg (158lb) GW: 63-60 (140-132lb)
  • Havefaith2012
    Havefaith2012 Posts: 7 Member
    I need a twin too! Maybe we could be a triplet? I am 25 5'5" CW 169 GW 130
  • beckymayt
    beckymayt Posts: 8 Member
    Nearly the same as me :) Im 25. im 5"4 started at 161, now 156. Aiming for "normal" bmi which i think is about 146?

    How long you all been doing it?
  • BeeSoph2016
    BeeSoph2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey can I join too? I'm 24, 168 pounds, 5.5 and looking for some people to keep me on track! :-)
  • ahoove00
    ahoove00 Posts: 5 Member
    I am your twin! I just added you :smile:
  • cchonka
    cchonka Posts: 36 Member
    I am a 35 F @ 5'2.5. CW 166. GW 135. Friend me so we can motivate each other. I need to get my big butt in gear!!!