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  • marissalea93
    marissalea93 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Marissa and I'm 23. I've been on this journey for around 8 months and in that time I've lost a healthy and steady 35 pounds. I'm 27 pounds away from my ultimate goal of 155. I think this group would be a great way for me to get a jumpstart on my goal before the new year!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I always enjoy having new people on my feed! :)
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Confessions of Cindy Smith. I must confess I join these groups with great intentions but like my habits I tend to fall off the radar. Now that I've put that in writing I'm hoping I will do better with this one. I've lost most of my weight it;s just those stubborn last 10 pounds I'd like to get rid of for good. Also, going into the festive season I'd like to have a little bit of control and not gain so much.

    Let's get accountable,
  • FernRunner
    FernRunner Posts: 79 Member
    Hey there! I'm Aileen, from Maine. I have a tendency to get wordy, so I'll try to keep this brief.
    My weight loss journey began 7 years ago, when I lost 70 pounds (210-140) in 6 months. It was a wild and crazy ride, and I maintained that loss through two additional pregnancies. Now, with three kiddos, a massive depression after the third was born, and a stressful series of life events, my weight climbed back up to 167. I'm currently down to just under 160, 5 weeks into my plan, and things are starting to feel like the first time around, when I learned to stick to my calories and exercise goals come hell or high water.
    I don't plan to lose an additional 15 by January, but 10 would be a nice stretch goal for me through the holiday season.
    So happy to find this group! If anyone is looking for an extra accountability buddy, I'm active here every day and love giving (and receiving!) support.
  • jeflogue
    jeflogue Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Jean from PA. Im not new to mfp but i don't normally do more than log food in stints! I am a single mother of a wonderful little boy, working and going for my bachelors, I'm 27. I am hoping that some support can push me to be more likely succeed, because I have a history of throwing all my cards down when I hit a bump!
  • helenkreissl351
    helenkreissl351 Posts: 4 Member
    Helen from Manchester here. Managed to loose 30lb but gained 8-10 back due to ill health and messing about back and forth.

    Am back on track using MFP, was on WW for a long while but fancied a change from smart-points.

    1lb a week is the best, healthy way to loose. We are all guilty of wanting it to come off quicker and doing daft things to manage it (cabbage diet anyone??) but slow and steady wins the race and together we are stronger!
  • greeneyegrly
    greeneyegrly Posts: 21 Member
    Hey! I'm Heather from Louisiana. I am finding myself now at the heaviest ever and very uncomfortable with my body. Just need to get back on the wagon again. I hope some accountability will help.
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! My name is Carolyn, I'm 40 and the mother of a 14 month old. I used to be really fit running marathons & teaching Spin but since the baby (who is now a toddler) I've been pretty lazy. I'm not really looking to lose weigh but I do need to make better food choices and get my exercise level up. My goal is to count my calories, cut out alcohol, and get as many workouts in as I possibly can. I get discouraged pretty easily so I could use all the support I can get.
  • sjmm4gina
    sjmm4gina Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm reGina from AR. I'm 55 with 4 kids. My story is similar to all of yours. Yes, I been a yo-yo dieter for the past 40 years. I have never had a buddy in this journey before and I'm looking forward to going thru it with you all.
  • theamorash
    theamorash Posts: 13 Member
    I've been using MFP on and off for years. I had some great success and reached my goal weight a couple years ago. I've since had a baby and even *gained* weight after giving birth. I'm basically at square one again and trying not to be completely discouraged. I'm hoping this challenge will help me with the determination I so seriously need in order to start eating healthier and moving more.
  • lisag1288
    lisag1288 Posts: 31 Member
    I feel silly asking this, but how can we add each other as friends? :)

    I click on the user name, and then I have to click on it again and you can send a request. Wish they made it a little easier
  • lisag1288
    lisag1288 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone. I am not sure if I posted yet. I'm a 36 year old mother and nurse. I'm 5' 5" and just under 150 pounds. I quit smoking in June and gained alot of weight. Hoping to get back to my happy weight of 120. Please feel free to add me as a friend! I am set at a 1200 calorie goal. I do not log plain non-starchy veggies..... I consider these "free".
  • calliebaker395
    calliebaker395 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Callie and I'm trying to lose the 50 pounds I've gained in the last few years due to Fibro. I'm 5'2.5" and 203. I started at 210. I've been dieting for about a month now to lose the first bit of weight and plan to continue! Let's get healthy, y'all!
  • SaritaWolf
    SaritaWolf Posts: 61 Member
    Hello! My name is Sarita! I am 25 years old, 5 feet tall, and when I seriously started MFP in June, I was 165 lbs. I am now down to 139 as of today. My goal is to get to about 110-115 lbs. My secondary goal, beyond losing weight, is to speed up my 5k run time! My family has a bunch of runners that can do it in about 25 minutes. I am currently at 33 minutes. Hoping that with losing weight and exercising, I may be able to catch up next year!

    Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • wkgoldsmith
    wkgoldsmith Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Wally. Been fighting middle age spread that came from taking the easy (or buttery) way out when it came to meal prep. I've found MFP helpful when I stick to it but I lapse into old habits unless I concentrate. Hopefully belonging to a group like this with a discreet target and good bunch of encouraging people will get me farther down my road than I've done alone. I'm registered for a Rugged Maniac run next year, participate in 2 men's hockey leagues at night, and now take my lunch break at work to go for a walk. I've got about 45lbs to take off and I'd like to see it gone by mid Spring. Best of health to you all.
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone, My name is Preeti and I am 23 years old. I am from Las Vegas, Nevada but currently live in India for school and work. I was always chubby as a kid and I started losing weight in high school. I went from 190-145 lbs at that time. I had stopped trying for a few years but now I want to look my best and get fit. I am 153 at the moment and I would love to lose 15-20 lbs more. Can't wait to go through this journey with you guys.
  • marjiwags1970
    marjiwags1970 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all!! Looking forward to this challenge. I need to lose 15 pounds! Let's do this!!
  • mishii28
    mishii28 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello loves, my names Michelle. I've been on MFP since the last week of August now and have lost 25lbs to date. I'm starting to struggle a bit now with body image and self esteem so I thought joining a community would be a good idea! I've been overweight all my life even as a child, so I really don't know what it's like to be normal sized. I have a long way to go but I'm trying to go slow and steady in order to lose the weight in a healthy manner.

    SW: 235
    CW: 210.6
    1st GW: 180
    2nd GW: 130
  • Cat0703
    Cat0703 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Christine and I live on the West Coast of Canada. I started my weight loss journey again January 15, 2016 by doing a 90 day weight loss competition at work. I'm currently down 65 lbs but now weight loss has really slowed down so I am hoping a new challenge is what I need to keep my focus over the upcoming holidays! 15lbs over two months isn't realistic for me at this point so I will be aiming for 8lbs during this time which will mean I'd start the year at 199. That would be amazing!

    SW: 272.6
    CW: 207.6
    GW: 160

    My plan is to continue what I have been doing...drink enough water, eat smaller portions, and move more!

    Almost at our start day. Are you ready??
  • argos14
    argos14 Posts: 163 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm in too....I've got 33 to lose but this will put me in the right direction...51 living in Calgary Alberta...looking forward to it