Introduce Yourself!

I thought it might be nice if we got to know each other first! I guess I'll get the ball rolling...

I'm Brittany and I'm getting married next September. I've been struggling to lose weight for several years now, but I really want to look great in the dress I just purchased, so I'm trying to run with that momentum as best as I can. I currently sit at about 165 pounds, and would like to be at about 130 by my wedding date, however, my biggest problem area is my flabby upper arms! I am primarily focused on curbing my atrocious eating habits, but I'd also like to dedicate myself to a sustainable exercise routine. Any tips you all have would be much appreciated!

Nice to meet you!


  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Brittany!

    My name is Preeti. I am getting engaged next summer/fall so I want to begin my journey of fitness. I weigh 153 lbs right now and would love to be 130lbs. I have always been on the chubby side growing up and had lost a good amount of weight in high school but gave up after losing 20-30 lbs. My fat tends to gather on my lower stomach and arms. I've been eating healthy and going for walks/jogs everyday for about 3 weeks now.

    I hope we all can get to our goal by D-day!
  • sars89
    sars89 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Brittany and Preeti!

    My name is Sara and I'm getting married next October. Have already lost 6.5kg (14lbs) and am looking to lose 3.5kg more to get down to 60kg (132lbs). Am totally hearing you with the chubby upper arms issue!! I've been doing Kayla Itsines bbg program and am just about to start my second round so hopefully this helps!

    Looking forward to motivating each other. We can do this!!
  • angelinblack8
    angelinblack8 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I'm Amanda. My wedding is going to be May 28th, and I would really like to be proud of my wedding photos. I don't like to attach to much to weight of course, but it would be nice to be happy having pictures taken, you know? Anyway, I'm at 236 (down 8 lbs) now and my eventual goal is 160 but I would like to be at least down to 180/190ish by wedding time, and more toned. I haven't done a forum before so I was glad to find this one. Nice to meet you all!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Hi I'm Ellie, I'm a life long vegetarian with a weakness for all things chocolate. Having had a bit of yo-yoing with my weight in early adult life for the past 4 years I'd maintained at 125lb - then I changed job and quit the gym (and all exercise :-s oops) for the past year and am now 140lb. I joined a new gym last week and have already done a 5km run in 35minutes, feeling great about that! I'm determined to get into a UK size 8-10 (US 4-6) dress rather than a 12 as I don't feel myself like this. It's the belly sticking out that bothers me. 11th Feb is the big day for me, but need to buy a dress by the beginning of Jan.
  • JHWylie
    JHWylie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Julia.

    I'm getting married next June. I'm currently 154lb but looking to be around the 130lb-ish mark for the wedding photos (not a big fan of having photos taken anyway, so would like to feel slim to give a boost of confidence).

    I used to be quite naturally slim, but due to personal issues in the past few years I have put on around 2 stone which I'm looking to lose through a holistic overhaul of my life taking into account my mind as well as my body. I carry my weight around my thighs, upper arms and stomach, don't mind it on my *kitten* though as it seems to sit quite well. I'd love to lose the weight but maintain some semblance of a bust (for the first time in my life I'm not flat chested and loving it) but I realise that may have to be the sacrifice I make.

    Lovely to meet you all, and best of luck to everyone!
  • txtransplant16
    txtransplant16 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all :) My name is Alyssa and I just got engaged about two weeks ago. No official date set yet but we're thinking about next December as a possibility. As my name suggests I recently moved from Texas to Utah. I'd love some accountability from y'all to keep me on my toes. I've always tried to lose weight and always quit a few weeks in when the newness of it all wears off. It seems I have a bit more to lose than most who have posted, I'm at 260 and hoping to get down to 149. Looking forward to the journey will everyone :)
  • Hi, I'm Julie. My wedding is booked for August 2017 abroad for a beach wedding, so wanting a beach body! I put on weight intentionally after being too thin about 5 years ago, expecting it to go in all the right places and of course it didn't. Then I just fell in love with food and can't get control of what Im eating and enjoy exercise again. Finding this app really useful to watch what I'm eating and that it has groups like this to help keep us on the right track!
  • mr910354
    mr910354 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary. My wedding is booked for Dec/17. I recently lost about 20lbs on ww and hoping to lose another 10 and keep it off for the big day and hopefully honey moon down south :) new to mfp - would love some friends with similar goals
  • lindsaykristina11
    lindsaykristina11 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Lindsay, I am having a destination wedding in May 2017.

    I have been stuck at 152lbs for the longest time. I am hoping to weigh 130-135lbs for my wedding. That gives me 6 months.

    I recently picked up my wedding dress and it's really tight!! That has been a big motivation for me to step it up! I have to lose the weight or it won't fit.

    Thanks for putting this group together!! Definitely would love the support. :) good luck to all the brides!!
  • cvm94
    cvm94 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Cheryl. My wedding is early May 2016 and i am determined to lose 15-20 lbs by then. I lost 36 (from 198 to 162) from January until June and have been stuck around 162-165 since. My problem is obvious, i hang out with friends every weekend and enjoy drinking with them although i eat clean during the week. Just trying to up the exercise to burn off the excess calories and get toned to look my best for our wedding :smile:
  • coffeeQ2hrs
    coffeeQ2hrs Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Lauren and I got engaged in May of this year! We are getting married on 7/17/17 and Is LOVE to make it under 200 pounds by that day. I've lost weight with MFP in the past and found myself close to my goal at 205 pounds, but never hit my goal. With the stresses of classes and working full time I let myself get back to the weight I started at when I first began to lose the weight. Damnit! Of course eventually I'd like to lose more but I want to be below that 200 mark by my big day. Glad to have found a support group of women who have the same goals, feel free to add me!
  • pmchelle
    pmchelle Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm Michelle. My wedding is in July and I can't believe how soon that feels. We've been engaged over a year, but somehow there's still tons of stuff to do.

    I'd like to lose some weight to be more comfortable in pictures. We're taking "engagement" photos in 2 weeks and I'm dreading it a little.

    I guess a step I need to take is setting a measurable goal to work toward.... I don't have a specific amount I want to lose before July written down.

    I'm sending friend requests to the ladies in this thread. Feel free to add me if I've missed you!
  • colleenm487
    colleenm487 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm trying to loose about 20 pounds before my wedding. We aren't getting married until December of 2017, however, I want to lose 10-15 before May when I graduate!
    Good luck and Congrats ladies! Hopefully, we can keep each other motivated!
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Welcome Colleen!
  • Krisrose68
    Krisrose68 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm Kris. I'm a 4th grade teacher in NY and am a full time grad student as well. Things have been hectic, to say the least! We're about set for the wedding (7/22/17) and things are just moving SO FAST! We've both been eating poorly and have put on some weight, although neither of us are small. I'm currently at 221lbs and I'm hoping to be at 180 for the big day! I know it's a lot of work, but 180 (or lower) has been my goal since high school, and I can't think of anything that will motivate me more than getting married! :blush: Let's do this!
  • HollyIsobel26
    HollyIsobel26 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Holly and I am getting married on 30th September 2017.

    I started losing weight in 2009 and have gradually gone from 277lb down to 149lb (at my lightest) I am now up to 169lb, and have yo-yo'd round that range for a good few years now. I now feel that 149lb was to light, I am 5'9" and am not a petite build but I would like to get back to my happy weight which is about 155-158lbs.

    There is no pressure on the dress front as it looks fab on me now, but I would like to tone up and develop a bit of definition and burn fat, so hopefully I'll have some accountability watching all my fellow beautiful brides reach their goals
  • Poppyseed77
    Poppyseed77 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all!
    I'm Kristin - getting married in June! I can't believe it's only six months away.
    I've been trying to get in shape since last January but 2016 was a rough year and it seemed to get harder and harder to make time to work out and take care of myself - I'm back up to 165lbs and my goal is to get to 140lbs by the wedding!

    I know I can do it - I just have to stay focused and i'm excited to have a group to help motivate me! Congrats to everyone!
  • FitBySeptember2
    FitBySeptember2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Congrats to all on the upcoming weddings! I'm Caitlin - getting married on September 2, 2017. I've always been curvy, but after four years of working full time and going to grad school, my curves are a little bigger than what I'm happy with. I'm currently 185, lowest weight is 140 (I've seen a lot of ups and downs between those two numbers). I'd LOVE to be in the 150s for my wedding. My initial goal is 30 pounds, anything beyond that would just be icing on the (wedding) cake!

    I just don't want to feel anything but my best self on my wedding day - I don't want to feel like I'm sucking in my stomach or worrying if my arms look fat in my pictures.

    I'm excited to be a part of this community and celebrate all of our victories!
  • ChristyLee1223
    ChristyLee1223 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Christy and i'm getting married October 2017. My current weight is 133, and i'm looking to get to 125 (my college weight!) for the wedding. Just started getting back into the habit of going to the gym! Hasn't been easy so far, but i'm already feeling better!

    Congrats to all of you beautiful brides to be!!
  • Asharp0414
    Asharp0414 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Amanda. I am getting married next April, and I'd like to lose 15-20lbs by then.
    I'm finding it difficult to stay motivated. So far I've gained 5lbs of what I hope is muscle since I've been adding in a lot of weight training. I have several pregnant friends who are constantly craving junk food and it's hard not to want to join in on their "snack fest." I really need some accountability.
    How do you guys stay motivated to keep trying to lose weight/inches?