What's Your Weight Loss Plan?



  • btrsun10
    btrsun10 Posts: 37 Member
    Also plan to stay LCHF (its like a cheat day every day!), keep up the exercise, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep and avoid alcohol.
    Good luck everyone.
  • emcemayo
    emcemayo Posts: 45 Member
    I plan on being food conscious
    For workout out I will walk 8k steps 3 days a week and do bodyweights on alternate days.
    For me it's my food. Weight loss for me is majorly watching my meals
  • Renzi27
    Renzi27 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello - I'm going to be doing the 21-day fix workouts while counting calories here on MFP. Is anyone else doing that? I've always liked those workouts but don't find the eating plan that goes along with it easy to follow, so I just follow the workouts.

    I just finished a 6-week program at a local gym that was super restrictive and had me working out an hour a day 5days a week. It claims to have you loose 20 lbs in 6 weeks. Many people have been successful on it, but I lost about 13 pounds - quite far from the 20 it promised. But no worries I'm happy for the weight I lost so far. So here I am continuing my journey!
  • FernRunner
    FernRunner Posts: 79 Member
    Foodwise, I'm sticking pretty close to my 1520 calories per day, tracking everything through the MFP app. Nothing is strictly off limits, but I stay away from fried food, large portions of meat/dairy, and overindulgence in the alcohol department.
    Someone on here mentioned saving extra calories for the evenings, so I've been trying that, and it works well for me. I keep myself busy during the day (burning extra calories through cleaning, movement, etc.) and then eat a higher percentage of calories at dinner.
    Exercisewise, I LOVE to run, but it's too dark here to run outside this time of year (I'm limited to early morning and evening). If I can motivate myself these dark days, I'll hit the treadmills and weight machines at the gym, but most of my exercise will be wogs with the dog on the weekend, walking on weekdays, recumbent exercise bike at home, and Fitness Blender workouts mixed in here and there.
    Shooting for a loss of slightly over a pound per week. 10 total by January 1st. That would put me back in the 140's for the first time in a LOOOONG time.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I do Weight Watchers and I love it. I have 15 more pounds to go to reach goal. I love candy (the sticky kind: now and laters, lemon heads etc). I hit a plateau after I lost 30 pounds. I think I just loved the way I looked so much that I started slacking. My doctor tells me I have an underactive thyroid and I really need to watch what i eat so that I don't gain the weight back. I turn 50 on February 1 and would love to be a little less than my goal weight of 175 somewhere around 165-170.
  • calliebaker395
    calliebaker395 Posts: 16 Member
    My plan is to continue my current "lifestyle change". I tried keto- made me go crazy- so I upped my carbs to 100g a day. I try to eat at at least 50% from vegetables. I haven't given up candy, bread, or rice. I eat it and try to keep it under 50 g. I typically eat 1 "mini" candy bar a day and subtract the macros from my total so it is accounted for. I also stay under 1600 calories, but above 1200 on days I'm not too hungry. My mini goals for the next two months are to start drinking more water, experiment with new healthy foods, and start working out a few days a week.
  • SaritaWolf
    SaritaWolf Posts: 61 Member
    I am planning on continuing counting my calories where I add in more vegetables and lean protein. Also, I added strength training and I hope to continue that method. One major goal is to reduce cravings, finding healthier alternatives. Second goal is no snacks after dinner!
  • gibbs1993
    gibbs1993 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 8 months pregnant, so I'm just cutting back a bit since my husband and I were eating fast food and takeout nearly everyday, consuming massive amounts of calories/simple carbs and I recently started gaining way too fast.

    My plan for the remainder of the pregnancy (she's due Christmas day :) ) is as follows:

    - 1800 calories a day
    - Under 150-200 carbs a day (primarily consuming meat/eggs dairy/fat & veggies)
    - Sunday cheats days
  • janekana
    janekana Posts: 151 Member
    I don't have a plan yet, except for sticking to my calorie goals and exercise as I've been doing now. I might have revise over the course of the challenge, but we'll see :)
  • fitme2b
    fitme2b Posts: 52 Member
    My gosls-
    Workout- 5-7 times a WK. Elliptical and weights
    Low carb
    Low sugar
    More protein
    I am going to try to log my workout and foods but I haven't been one to do it daily so I hope to stay logging too.
  • wow_suzibear1
    wow_suzibear1 Posts: 18 Member
    I count calories, staying under 1500 calories a day. eventually i will get some sort of exercise program going
  • kattyjamesmfp
    kattyjamesmfp Posts: 38 Member
    I count calories, I'm on 1500-1600 calories daily, trying to be consistent with that. Aim to build any treats inside those calories, so that I would not have to worry about trying to make up for the extra calories. That being said, it will be very challenging to not go over on Christmas Day and my and partner's birthdays, so I will have to make up a plan B for those days. It might be exercising off the extras.
  • stm712015
    stm712015 Posts: 138 Member
    I log my meals, and stay around 1200 calories/day. For the most part I avoid processed foods, low sodium, keep protein up because it helps to satisfy me. Multi-vitamin. Walk everyday for about 30-40 minutes. Nothing fancy going on here. But it works and is a lifestyle that is easy to maintain.
  • Kassma
    Kassma Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just starting back after being away from MFP all summer. Lots of fun, but lots of weight gain. I have to start watching food portions better and eating healthier snacks, especially if I am hungry before bed. I can't sleep if I am hungry and I have to start having something like greek yogurt and all bran instead of a peanut butter and honey sandwich. I have to start exercising more again too. I have my work cut out for me, but one day at a time it'll get done :)
  • wruper
    wruper Posts: 43 Member
    I'm doing intermittent fasting. I feel better than when I eat all the time. I have high hopes for success.
  • joeyblue79
    joeyblue79 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm just counting calories and trying to focus on eating unprocessed foods which isn't that hard for me - it's the chocolate! Walking 5 miles a day and doing toning exercises - trying to get brave enough to try running/ jogging. I need to make sure that I make time to do it rather than letting work take over my life.
  • mcl1962
    mcl1962 Posts: 11 Member
    I am suffering from Plantar Fasciitis so I will be counting calories only this challenge. Losing weight and doing my stretches, etc. will certainly help. I am hoping to get back to the gym the first of the year.

    I will...

    1. Log all my food every day. No hiding my cheats!
    2. Stay within my calorie limit.
    3. Open my diary. This is very hard for me. However, I know it will make me more accountable.

    I have a very long ways to go. Every day I stay on track is a win. I use to be a very confident woman. I miss her. I am doing this for me.

  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
    My plan (basically the same thing I did two years ago, so I know this works for me):
    1) Stay within my calorie limit while logging everything.
    2) Eat more healthy. Veggies! I do not hate veggies anymore, but I still have hard time to eat them with pleasure, so I plan to focus on trying new recipes.
    3) Exercise. I was doing only cardio the last time. I would like to add some pilates this time. I kind of love blogilates. Yes, it sounds silly. I look silly doing it, but it has really great beginner calendar.
    4) Sleep. Love my sleep. I weight myself daily and about 95% of my weight loss happened after 9+ long sleep.
    5) Eat something really good everyday :)
  • DonutBelly
    DonutBelly Posts: 28 Member
    Calories in calories out... increase protein, lower sugar
    ... use my Fitbit walk at least 10,000. Insanity .... just did fit test today
    Check in with group
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am going to have a great November - I just know it!! I am blocking off - "stay at home get ready for Christmas days" on my calendar.... :)

    And by that I mean - eat properly, drink water, exercise!!! And get my house in shape for the annual "Christmas Tree Hunt" party - family reunion .....