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  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    I'm Alisa. Been on MFP for just over 2 years. Hit my maintenance weight but staying there was harder than I thought. Let it get away from me but back on track again. I have 33 lbs to go still.
  • fitme2b
    fitme2b Posts: 52 Member
    Hi I'm Jennifer. I have been on MVP for years on and off but never really completed a challenge I set for myself. My goal is to find some pals to keep each other going and lose together. I would like to lose 15 lbs and rewire my life back to where I was a bit ago. I know I can because I have I've just been in a rut the last year. Im glad to see so many motivated people and look forward to the holidays. Thanks for offering this challenge for us.
  • kpernet
    kpernet Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I'm Kathryn from California. I haven't ever actually tried joining a group like this, am looking forward to it. I'm hoping this will help keep me more focused on consumption, especially over the holidays.
  • DonutBelly
    DonutBelly Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Kim. I'm 34 and have been up and down this year. Looking for friends for motivation and encouragement to eat right and get back into exercise again. I've gained 15 pounds very quickly and just want to get them off!
  • wannabhealthy2
    wannabhealthy2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I am Camille from North Carolina. I have been on MFP for a couple of years, but only to occasionally log meals and exercise. Have never really read message boards or motivation tips or anything. Well that is going to change! I always thought I could drop some weight and tone up on my own without involving anyone else, but I now know that it is much better with a community of support. I am faithful with Pilates but do very little cardio. My goal is to lose 20-25 lbs, increase muscle, lose flab, gain confidence, and mostly to feel better about myself. This is my first Challenge. Thank you Margaret for getting this started!
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi I am Colette from New Orleans, LA. 49 yo looking to keep dropping those pounds. LET'S do this....I need the motivation
  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Catherine from Prague, Czech republic, and this challenge is ideal for me :) I would like to lose around 20 lbs and eat healthy again. I have already lost around 40 pounds with MPF about two years ago, so I just need some motivation to do it again :) Feel free to add me!
  • wraith13
    wraith13 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Elise from NY. I joined MFP over 4 years ago when I started grad school to keep the pounds off. I didn't end up needing to watch my calories in grad school because no money = ramen, rice, and beans. And tiny portions. After school ended, I stopped eating tiny portions and stopped walking everywhere. I'm now at 135 lbs and hoping to drop to 125lbs during this challenge. I've tried by myself for the past year or so and not really gotten anywhere. I'm hoping this will be the motivation I need! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Leafi55
    Leafi55 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm Fiona from the UK and I have used MFP to help me lose 38lbs to date. I really need this challenge as last Christmas healthy eating went out of the window and it wasn't until May I got back on track! Planning to do a lot better this year!! Only 8lbs to go to get to a healthy BMI and 22lbs to ultimate goal. Got a holiday of a lifetime coming up in February, so plenty of motivation to get there. Early sixties and hypothyroid, so have proved to myself I can lose the weight at last.
  • olsogo
    olsogo Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Gina from Northern Wisconsin. I have been on MFP for 1 1/2 years now. Log in daily but have found that I have not been as strict with myself as I had previously. A few pounds (12 to be exact) have crept back over the summer. Looking forward to taking that back off. Good luck to everybody.
  • cocoastral
    cocoastral Posts: 21 Member
    hi everyone ! i'm cocoa. i live in the uk and i've only just started here on mfp.
    my highest weight ever was 13 stone, and i just decided i need a change before i move in with my partner next year and things.
    i'm 23, a type one diabetic, depressed and anxious (thanks for adding to the overeating you two), and i work the night shift.
    i love the idea of a challenge like this to keep me motivated because i don't always have the easiest time with that. so i'm excited to do this with you guys!
  • CanderWilver
    CanderWilver Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm Tanya. I recently turned 30 and have four kids. I've been on MFP for years on and off. It's helped me lose my pregnancy weight every time. I've gained some weight this year though and would like to change that! I have 22lbs to go until goal weight and think this challenge is exactly what I need. I'm looking forward to doing this with all of you!
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 37 I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a husband. We have a pretty busy life and most of the time I neglect to care for myself. I've been a on again/off again MFP user. Every time I go away the extra weight finds me. I'm ready to try again! I'm hoping to use this challenge will help stay focused and make some friends.
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi all, I am Marlene from Nova Scotia. I am retired and I turned 60 last month (still wrapping my head around that notion). I've been working seriously at losing weight for the past 2-3 years (OK, really, all of my life). I had lost about 60 lbs but, in the past year, have re-gained about 20 lbs. So, really not happy about that especially because I still had a number of lbs left to lose. Oh well, success is rarely in a straight line. I'm dusting myself off and beginning again. I would secretly love to lose all of my re-gained weight in this Challenge but I'll certainly be happy losing 15 lbs. I've had success in the past with these support groups so I'm hoping for more of the same. I'm looking forward to working with everyone. Best of luck - to us all. <3
  • greeneyegrly
    greeneyegrly Posts: 21 Member
    i have had the app for several years but never really used it to its fullest abilities. I have continuously gained over the past few years and its time to make a change.
  • kulotsalot13
    kulotsalot13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Ella and I currently live in Nairobi, Kenya. I'm 32, 118 lbs.

    A few months ago, everything was super duper! I had a regular gym routine, was training at home for a pole dance competition, and doing Muay Thai kickboxing once a week. I was even working up to my first pull-up!

    Then I was diagnosed with wrist tendonitis, and told to stop boxing and anything else that strains the wrist. Then I twisted my ankle really badly, and all manner of workouts stopped. If I couldn't work out, then I should probably keep track of what I'm eating, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get beach-ready for January 2017. Enter MFP!

    So far I have lost 8 lbs on diet alone and very minimal exercise. I've now been cleared to do some light training but my wrist is still bothering me, so can't go all out. One complicating factor is I am traveling over the next 5 weeks so my diet and exercise routine may suffer, but I'm hoping this challenge will remind me that traveling is not an excuse, and I can make healthy choices 99% of the time.
  • bsully17
    bsully17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Bonnie
    I've go through periods when I use this app, then always fall away. I thought a new approach would be to interact with others who would like to improve their health and drop some weight. I am 30lbs over a healthy weight and I just keep taking off and putting on the same 8lbs. Problem is, I haven't been motivated to really hold myself accountable and make the changes I know how to make. BLAH! What is wrong with me???
    So, here I am and i'll be checking in on this group often and using your words to help me stay on track. I'll try to do the same for you!
  • spayne1973
    spayne1973 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sean from GA! I've used mfp with some success but got away from it and put back on about 30lbs. I'm using this challenge to kick things off again and I'm also new to using the community so please feel free to add me. Strength in numbers! Good luck everyone!!!
  • Ylyvyuh
    Ylyvyuh Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new! I'm Olivia, currently in Wisconsin. I was doing good with weight loss before I moved for a new job 7 months ago. It's been tough, but I've been allowing myself to slack off. I recently joined a roller derby team even though I've never done much skating before! Being back on a team feels pretty awesome, and now I have the accountability of needing to go to practice 3-4x/week, so I'm just going to take it one step further and fill in the non-derby days with other workouts. I'm ready to stop hating my body for being soft and start appreciating it for being strong and powerful and capable again.