#310 strong <3

Hey all ! so excited we can reach out to each other via this as well!
How about we share some insight for eachother?
1. When did you start 310?
2. Starting weight?
3. Goal Weight?
4. Struggles?

When did you start 310?
I received my package on tuesday and started that day! however my first weigh in date was friday as i weigh in on wednesdays! my current weight is 229.4 lbs and i want to get down to 230ish lbs.
my struggles is when time of month comes around and cravings. i just crash and burn and its hard to go back on track as by the time i get back on track its my TOM again!


  • ashleyscavino
    ashleyscavino Posts: 4 Member
    1. I've been using it regularly for 2 weeks
    2. 171
    3. 140 ( although right now my short term goal is 160) current weight is 168.
    4. I struggle with being a picky eater which makes it hard to find things that I like and are healthy and eating when I'm stressed out.
  • janellemarie87
    janellemarie87 Posts: 2 Member
    I started using 310 this summer and use it off and on when I can afford it but always trying to watch what I eat and move.
    My greatest struggle is being home and running a daycare (kids do not like the healthy stuff) I never realized until I started documenting what I ate how many bites of this and that I had during a day. My husband would come in as a close 2nd. He doesn't want to put the work in and often wants to eat out or dessert etc...
    I started at 243, my current weight is 219, my goal weight is 170. I'm 5'8 so I will reevaluate once I get closer.
    I find these groups to be my support,motivation and accountability.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • mirandaroddam
    mirandaroddam Posts: 2 Member
    1. I started 310 on October 22, 2016
    2. 251lbs
    3. My first goal is to be 199 by February. I haven't been weighing myself since it's "no scale November"
    4. The only real struggle has been being the only one in the house eating healthy. I am an emotional eater and there have been soooo many temptions but I'm staying strong.
  • jjh0004
    jjh0004 Posts: 2 Member
    I started 310 September 6. My starting weight was 235. My goal weight is 155-145. Not sure where I am right now as I'm doing no scale November. My biggest struggle is sweets and carbs. I LOVE carbs.