Looking for friends and support

Hi all,

My name is Orphiel and I'm really glad I found this group. I am diagnosed with fibro and CFS/ME, along with a bunch of other issues (hypothyroidy, PCOS (I'm a trans man), etc) and in the process of getting diagnosed for EDS. With all of this, I can't exercise as much as I want to or need to - hell, i can't even exercise at all most of the time, and cooking is extremely difficult. I'm looking for buddies who suffer from similar issues to support each other !


  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I don't suffer from the same pain disorders as you, but I am always up for a new friend! I won't chase you down as I usually just do my diary, but I will always reply to PMs if you ever want to talk.
  • OrphielBurrito
    OrphielBurrito Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much ! :) (hope this isn't creepy but you look really pretty on your profile picture, I love your glasses !)