Trans nonbinary guy looking for friends !

Hi all !

I'm so so so happy to have found a LGBT+ group here, you have no idea. Ok so, I'm Orphiel, nonbinary guy, disabled, and I'm trying to lose a lot of weight - which is made very difficult by my health issues. I'm looking for friends to get more motivated, preferably trans peeps like me :)


  • MariahCurry
    MariahCurry Posts: 5 Member
    Hi,Orphiel! My name is Mariah. I would like to be MFP pals! I am not trans myself but I am very much a Trans ally! :-D
  • Byronic_Ryu
    Byronic_Ryu Posts: 176 Member
    Hello, OrphielBurrito! I am a andro/femme transman who is disabled. I was recently denied HRT because of my health issues and because how HRT would intervene with my current medical treatment. Weight loss has been helpful in relieving some of the dysphoria I experience. I would like to be someone who could give you some motivation and maybe some suggestions to help you on your journey. I have disabilities that affect my cognitive functions, motor skills, hormones, sleep cycle, and mobility. One of them is a chronic pain illness so I had to find and learn ways to work around this. I have lost 46 lbs. so far and have 14 lbs. to go. Good look on your journey. :)
  • OrphielBurrito
    OrphielBurrito Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Byronic_Ryu, we have very similar profiles ! (I too am andro/femme and disabled and very worried that I can't start HRT because of health issues). Sending you an add request !

    MariahCurry, I'm only seeing your post now but I'm glad to have added you as a friend! (Also, I hope this isn't creepy, it isn't intended so, but you have the most beautiful smile on your profile pic, very luminous !)
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    Another trans ally here who would happy to be friends. I'm Tara :)
  • TXChelleD
    TXChelleD Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not Trans but fully-supportive to any an all along our beautiful spectrum. 43 year old Lez from Texas here with a goal of losing 100 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Hi! I'm Selkey and I'm a nonbinary trans person trying to lose around another 20-30 lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Also disabled but... don't like to list out specifics publicly sorry.
  • KatzeDerNacht22
    KatzeDerNacht22 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi, I don't share much with ya, I'm a eh how is it called, cisgender lesbian woman, not disabled, could argue that to some point..anyway I think I'm a cool friend so if it's good do add me so we can like be friends and stuff :D and pardon me but I don't even know what is andro/femme ¿? I only have one trans friend so I may ask stuff in a very respectful way cos I don't wanna be silly :dizzy:
    Ah other people on here can add me too if they wish :B
  • EbonyWhiteMage
    EbonyWhiteMage Posts: 26 Member
    Trans girl here with a bunch of pounds to shed always looking for more friends across the spectrum!
  • Cosmic_Shaman
    Cosmic_Shaman Posts: 5 Member
    Hope it's okay to post, I'm new to groups on here.
    Transmale winding down with my weight loss goal (98 down, about 30 or so to go) but still looking for friends and motivation. Down to be friends if you're interested. :smile:
  • brokenengel0220
    brokenengel0220 Posts: 3 Member
    Im genderqueer non-binary.. would love to make new friends
  • Frelise
    Frelise Posts: 80 Member
    Greetings! I'm FTM and I'm looking for friends as well if you'd like to join forces. =) I've been on one suuuper long plateau, hah... but hopefully that's nearing the end.
  • Willbur_Martin
    Willbur_Martin Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I'm an enby/guy who has autism and i'd be down to be friends :-)
  • BrackenFae
    BrackenFae Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, non binary trans guy in England. I'd love friends on here for accountability and support. Also neuroqueer, a writer, parent and facilitator. I've been on and off here for a long time losing the same weight over and over. Feel free to add me!
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    Trans female on HRT since 14 months and on the waiting list for gender reassignment.
    I'm also recently diagnosed as autistic, and quite likely with ADHD too.
    Looking to get back on track and lose around 10 lbs. Would like some more friends for mutual support so please add me if interested (and that goes for anyone else here).
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I don't have any idea how to send a friend request under this new version.
  • itstheo43
    itstheo43 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Theo! I'm nonbinary/transmasc and looking for fitness buddies!

    I'm also neurodiverse (bipolar and adhd) and a disability justice advocate.

    I'm on MFP to track health habits. I'm not really interested in trying to lose weight, more wanting to focus on healthy practices, would be so happy to have some trans/nonbinary folks to cheer on!

    @Rosie_TG and @tcunbeliever I sent you friend requests, I hope that's cool with you!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    @itstheo43 I don't see a friend request from you and you aren't in my friends list??? Will it let you resend the request???
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Hi there and welcome
    I can’t figure out the friend request either😞
  • WyrmWuld
    WyrmWuld Posts: 1 Member
    Hello— been on a bit of a hiatus, but I’m back. I’m also non-binary and looking to make friends. Please feel free to add!