Is this site active?

LisaTRM Posts: 28 Member
Just wondering if anyone visits this site often?


  • qrw1968
    qrw1968 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I really am not sure but I joined a couple of weeks ago when I first started my Saxenda. Today is my 2nd week and I have lost 7 lbs so far. I just upped my dose today. How has it been going for you? Also best of luck in reaching your goals
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi there. I check in quite often. I have been on Saxenda for 321 days. I have lost 83lbs since I started. I have lost 125lbs from my heaviest. This medication has saved me from myself. I can't tell you how much the positives outweigh any negatives. You need to be consistent. Let the medication tell you when you are full and don't force yourself to eat. I have found that Saxenda forced me to remember "full."
  • LisaTRM
    LisaTRM Posts: 28 Member
    I have been on Saxenda since December 7th. I will be starting the 2.4 dose this afternoon. So far it has really decreased my appetite. I had a check in at the clinic last week, and I was down 2lbs. My starting weight was 184. I'm not sure what I should expect as far as typical weight loss. I have been avoiding the scale (mostly because I don't want to be disappointed). It is really hard to find any success stories or reviews on this medicine. I fortunately do not have any side effects, other than occasional light headedness. This makes me worry that the medicine might not be working.

    I do see some really great results that have been posted on this site, which gives me lots of encouragement. Best of luck and I look forward to seeing more results!
  • Marchjill
    Marchjill Posts: 3 Member
    Two pounds in the first two weeks is awesome! Congrats!
    I've been on since October 1st, and am down 23 pounds. I had a lot of the side effects of nausea and still battle the constipation, but it's all worth it to be losing the weight!
  • CrabbyCancerMama
    CrabbyCancerMama Posts: 95 Member
    started Oct. 5 2016 down 25lbs. I don't doc will give me more because now I'm under the 30bmi. I'm down 84lbs total since Jan. 11 2016 only side effect I had was constipation. I'm worried how the hunger will be once I'm off of it
  • QuueneBee2
    QuueneBee2 Posts: 18 Member
    I'd like to know myself how the effects are after getting off the med
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm at my goal and I am still not off of it.. Though I am up a couple of pounds. That's mostly because of pms and the unbelievable hunger this time.
  • mcspeight
    mcspeight Posts: 43 Member
    I was on saxenda for about a year and a half...startef having gallbladder attacks and stopped it. Had surgery last week to remove gallbladder and getting ready to restart at 0.6mg today....and in the 3 weeks I've been off I've been starving.....example...i just had oatmeal made with milk a banana and 2 coffee...i don't even feel like I ate anything....i know before I'd be struggling to finish....cant wait to get back to 3mg!!!