
irisgal1 Posts: 16 Member
thanks for starting a new group. the group boards all seem so dead these days or really big!
I'm working on trying to shed at least 50 pounds in 2017. I want to take it slow and easy and not mess myself up along the way.


  • fitbunny68
    fitbunny68 Posts: 17 Member
    That's awesome! Yes I hear you. I don't want to mess up either but I also don't want to get discouraged and then give up when I do mess up, you know what I mean? I have on that many times! And this year I'm just going to push through it hopefully. I am on a four-day streak you guys which is a lot for me LOL. I feel good about this. How about you guys? I'm going to go walk the dog now. I used to just drive her to the dog beach and let her run around with all the dogs while I just stood there. But for the last four days I've been leashing her up and walking her from our place around the neighborhood for an hour. I hope I keep this up!
  • dahlgrenmad
    dahlgrenmad Posts: 33 Member
    Great job. Four days is a wonderful start. One thing I've found is that I don't say that I'm "on a diet" I say I'm changing my eating habits. As weird as it sounds, it plays a trick on your mind because we all associate diet with deprivation. Then we find it hard to stay on track. I also allow myself a treat now and then and dark chocolate is a great one. Good work!
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    hello everybody
  • irisgal1
    irisgal1 Posts: 16 Member
    Great attitude! changing a eating habits is what it is all about!! Right now I'm just logging my foods and really taking notes about how I have been eating to see what I really need to improve. I'm already seeing I need to make more efforts to get my vegetable intake higher.