Meet and Greet!

Hi Ladies, I saw that there had yet to be a discussion on here, so, I thought I would get the ball rolling with a little introduction so that we can all get to know each other. Hi! My name is Jennifer and I'm just shy of 36 yrs. old. I'm married with three rotten girls, one teenager and two pre-teens. Yes, yes .. pray for me, I will need it :D and I'm from Texas getting ready for a really HUGE move to the Northeast. I hope to find friends here and help support others that are on the same path that I am.


  • charlx1
    charlx1 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm 22 and aiming to loose 42lbs, I'm from the UK and live in Leeds, I have a little girl who is 2 years old. I am looking for support as i'm in an office job and need to shift this baby weight, which is becoming harder and harder to use as an excuse 2 years gone!
  • aliciamsu
    aliciamsu Posts: 2 Member
    Hi group! I will be 36 next month and really have no excuse for being overweight (no kids) lol. I'm looking to lose 20-25 lbs for good. I've done it twice but somehow always end up back in the same spot...
  • TinkerTroll
    TinkerTroll Posts: 2 Member
    Great to meet you all! I'm sure that we can make an awesome support team and I look forward to shedding with you :D
  • teemarie1990
    teemarie1990 Posts: 3 Member
    Ladies I need your help! Lol. So I'm a single mom not much family or friends support. I want to go to the gym but never have a sitter :( my daughter is my shadow literally with me every hour except while I'm at work. Please give advice on how I can get in some excercise. I've tried the to work out at home but I seem to never stay consistent. Crying toddler, dinner on the stove ect. Life is hectic