34, female, 5'6", CW: 247.6 lbs, GW: 129 lbs

I'd like to have daily support in 2017 or frequent support.

I've got around 120 to 130 lbs to lose to hit my goal, and I want to reach it in 2017! I'm 34 and I have four kids (two I birthed and two are step daughters). We have a four legged friend, as well, named Bear. I want to lose all of this weight in 2017 at a minimum of 2 lbs a weeks but I'm hoping 3 lbs a week (at least at first). In order to do this I've got to stay on track and committed every single day. If you'd like to have the support just let me know. We could even start a private group if you'd like and invite a handful of others who want the same support. I'll be here either way pushing towards my goal! Good luck!

HW: 249.2 lbs
CW: 247.6 lbs
GW: 120-130 lbs

Height: 5'6"
Age: 34
