regain - fighting back day 1

Good morning all,
Well I stood on the scale this morning and it was NOT good. I can't believe that I'm allowing myself to slip back into old habits. 2016 has been the year of regain for me. I have all sorts of excuses but in reality I have no one to blame but me. I know my sleeve still works because I will get sick if I eat to much or to fast at one sitting. So this regain is all me, working around the tool I so desperately need. No more - this has to stop.
Today my fight back plan is to
1) drink at least 64 oz of water
2) log all food & try to stay within macro goals - at least within calorie goals
3) walk 3 miles
4) stay positive - don't let my feeling of failure drive me to food!!

Anyone else need to start over with me?

HW: 385
Day of surgery: 350 (May 2013)
LW: 171
CW: 220 (SAD FACE!)


  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    Me! I've been trying so hard to shake these 11lbs that i gained back. I lose 3lbs, gain it back again. I've been back to protein shakes and yogurt a few times now, but nothing seems to work. I've even gone back to the gym 3 times a week. My surgeon told me it's just where my body wants to be, it's comfortable there, but I'M NOT comfortable there so I have to do something to shake this up. I'm doing the all liquid diet this week to see if that helps..

    HW: 230
    SW: 219 (3/4/14)
    LW: 131.2
    CW: 142 (Very sad face!!!)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    edited December 2016
    I am in the same place. I have been working with my surgeon to push through, but I have had other issues that added to the equation, like going through menopause and a bad case of vertigo that lasted a few weeks and kept me from working out. I've also been a slacker about logging which I am changing immediately. I realize that there will always be SOMETHING, so I have to constantly figure out how to adjust. It's just super frustrating.
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Teresa, and others, I'm Becca. I've regained 35 lbs in the last 6 months and while I knew it was happening, I didn't want to deal with all the work of losing it. I had an annual apt with my weight loss doctor though and she helped me face facts and while not bemoaning what happened to get me to this point, she encouraged me to get back to healthy habits, and back to my goal weight. I know I feel bad at this weight, sluggish and I keep getting sick. Plus clothes don't fit, and some of the things I like doing (running) aren't any fun because I'm lacking the energy plus it's harder to run hauling this extra weight. I'd love the accountability, of tracking eating so that I stick to the nutrients I need, as well as exercise.

    HW: 310
    LW: 160
    CW: 200

    I just got blood tests results, and my iron and b levels are super low, so they'll send me for an infusion. Not fun. I've always struggled with consistency taking all the vitamins we need post-surgery. So that's my third daily goal; to build the daily habit of taking the vitamins I need.
  • diazwoman
    diazwoman Posts: 24 Member
    right there with you, re-starting AGAIN, baby steps, goals this week are to log it all, drink 8 glasses of water and don't drink with meals.
  • imboswell
    imboswell Posts: 104 Member
    I am struggling right now also. I need to lose 10 - 15 lbs. I have gained 10 since Thanksgiving. I never ever reached my goal weight but that was okay as long as I maintained the size. Now I am feeling things getting tight. I am starting again with healthy eating "NO MORE SNACKS".
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    I've gone back to protein shakes 3 or 4 times a day, yogurt and a handful of nuts if i need the crunch, and a protein packed dinner, since Sunday, Jan 1.. I'm down almost 3lbs as of this morning. Hopefully I continue to lose, and not regain.
  • aimz822
    aimz822 Posts: 6 Member
    Back to work after a 9 day vacation where my fluids were mostly rum based fruity concoctions!!!! Amazed I didn't gain more. Committed to drinking my water and not with my food! Tracking with MFP and exercise at least 4 times a week. Food planning for me is essential as I make poor choices if I don't! Good luck everyone with your new commitment and focus, I know it is a struggle!!!

  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I see all these posts and notice almost everyone has lost A LOT of weight. PLEASE don't forget that! We're all better off than we were before despite any regain. Weight is only one measurement of health. Think of your life as a whole. I bet it's better. :) Live each day one day at a time and make good decisions in the moment.
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    I am also up 14 lbs from my lowest recorded weight. I never quite reached my goal and am at 2 years out. bad snacking habits snuck back in. starting to log again and am following a LCFH diet.
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    Me too. I managed to get back on track last year following a program, but didn't stick with it and regained the 30 pounds I'd lost and then some. Sigh... So, I'm back in the saddle again, I've got a LONG way back to goal, but I know what to do, and it's going to get so much easier once I'm past the first week and have de-carbed. I've found a no-more-bariatric-regain facebook group that's giving me a daily dose of motivation and support as well.
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    I'll be three years out in May 2017. I've gained back nearly 20 and I am not happy about it. Still manage to wear the same lowest sized jeans so it is not terrible. I think when I got down to my lowest I was not at all happy about how my body skin looked old and wrinkled and my face looked drawn. Kinda maybe looked "sick" or weak. Feel somewhat better and accepting about the skin issues now but still want to get rid of belly fat. I've been on and off the exercise routine since surgery...I get going good and then become a lazy *kitten*. I keep picking myself up and getting back on track...always seem to be starting over but bound and determined not to give up on this. I am mainly focusing on mindfulness, paying much closer attention to what I eat. And I have found some gym activities I really enjoy so that helps. I can't wait for Spring and Summer when I am more active camping and running around. Know that "you guys" are not alone in this battle.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I'm with everyone. I am just over 2 yrs out from sleeve. I had lost 83 lbs. Just over 1 yr ago I went back to working a part-time job along with my full-time job. I let myself stop exercising because I told myself it was just too much. Then I started letting myself eat the wrong things, because it was quick and convenient. Now, 1 yr later, I am up 12 lbs. You would think that having to go up 1 size in pants would have made me stop, but it didn't. So, like the rest of you, I am going to go back to what worked to begin with. Log my meals, so I eat what is right and healthy and not the bad carbs & sugar. Make myself take the time to work out at least 5 times per week. Be more connected to what is going on around me and inside of me-- and visit this website on a regular basis to get support from others who are working on the same goals that I am. I am determined to lose the 12 lbs I have gained and then the final 20 to reach my goal weight. I believe that I can do this.
  • Keikix3
    Keikix3 Posts: 42 Member
    I too have been away from the site for awhile and have discovered I cannot leave it and all of you or I get back into old habits too easily and fall off the wagon. I haven't gained nor have I lost in 3 months and I am 7 months post op. Go figure. I like the fact of loosing 3 clothing sizes and rearranging myself, but to not loose is frustrating. I do pretty well with the calorie intake, 800 is my usual-my highest was 1200 in all these months. I am horrible with the exercise part in a gym, I do walk in malls and stores. I have lost 45 lbs and I am happy about that and have 30 to go. Ideas and love appreciated!!
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    @Keikix3 At 7 months post op I was probably eating 1500 calories at least. I had pretty steady weight loss for first 10 months or so. You may want to up the calories. My best guess is that the low calorie intake has slowed your metabolism.

    I currently eat around 2500 calories a day. But I cut out most sugar and exercise most days. You just have to find that right balance for you. o:)B):)