, January 13

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Today, I will be the guide for 6 Costa Rican guests as we hike the Sagauro National Park. I love those crazy cactus that are at least 80 years old before they sprout their first arm! Our lives are very short by comparison.
    New Years Resolutions: What, if any resolutions, are you putting into practice in 2017?
    I recommitted to using for Spanish language training and practice. I have begun

    What about you?
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Looks like you're on an adventure Rick!

    I work with deaf children so this summer I hope to pass my exams for the next level in British Sign Language. I'm also aiming to get my BMI from overweight to healthy/normal.

    Yes x 3 today. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • deadchipmunk
    deadchipmunk Posts: 425 Member

    Exercise: no
    Calories: yes
    Tracking: yes

    Just got home from out of town and although it's still early (relatively early) I know I'm not going to do my 20 tonight. Happy 13th!!
  • fitqueenbess
    fitqueenbess Posts: 372 Member
    JANUARY 13 - Another fantastic shot, Rick. Wow!

    I came across this lovely pledge, below, which takes the prize for resolutions. It is as relevant today as it was 100 years ago. I posted it in my office and will try to focus on one line each day. (For me, "expenditure" can apply to money, calories, time, etc.)
    A Resolve
    for Every Morning of the New Year

    I will this day try to live a
    simple, sincere and serene life,
    repelling promptly every thought of discontent,
    anxiety, discouragement, impurity and self-seeking,
    cultivating cheerfulness,
    magnanimity, charity and
    the habit of holy silence,
    exercising economy in expenditure,
    carefulness in conversation,
    diligence in appointed service,
    fidelity to every trust and
    a child-like trust in God.
    ~From a calendar by Bishop John H. Vincent, 1909

    Yes x 3 for me: This-yoga's-not-for-sissies, body pump
  • cdjackson568
    cdjackson568 Posts: 81 Member
    Exercise 25 min walk
    Calories yes
    Tracking yes
  • hkaccompanist
    hkaccompanist Posts: 100 Member
    3 Yes for today. I hope I am not going to eat anything else afterwards as I had dinner a bit too early
  • deejkush
    deejkush Posts: 116 Member
    exercise: yes
    tracking: yes
    calories: yes
    It's not a resolution, but I have recently decided to stay off of Facebook, because it makes me upset and anxious-- bad for my health.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @deejkush I agree about FB. People are behaving badly! Many of those who are behaving badly are people who I love. It makes me sad.
    @fitqueenbess Thanks for sharing your inspiring quote.
    @am_change You are making great and consistent progress toward your goal.
    @deadchipmunk Thanks for being real!!
    @hkaccompanist I hope you held your line! Thanks
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    My report for today is:
    Tracking: good
    Calories: below the limit by 64 calories
    Exercise: hiking in Saguaro National Park. Great
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    Tracked and kept calories under control. About to run now since I finally got new running shoes!
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Exercise? Yes; 30 minutes of strength training and a 50 minute run
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes
  • ICameToGetDown
    ICameToGetDown Posts: 958 Member
    Not a bad day overall. I got in a quick run while the kid was at Girl Scouts.
    Food was not the best quality , but all under goal and tracked.
    Happy Weekend!

  • Sidaleeyaya
    Sidaleeyaya Posts: 29 Member
    Exercise - yes
    Calories - yes
    Tracking - yes
  • Gus130
    Gus130 Posts: 598 Member
    I am taking a pass today. Leg hurts.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @Gus130 you are doing great! Just keep looking forward and don't look back!!
  • Shutterbuggg
    Shutterbuggg Posts: 196 Member
    Catching up on posting
    Exercise? Yes, just a walk around the neighborhood today. I wasnt feeling up to going to the gym
    Calories/Tracking? Yes but with only a few to spare.