Vegetarian Diet to Lose Baby Weight.

Lodich Posts: 7 Member
Have any of you moms had success losing the baby weight on a mostly vegetarian diet? I'm creeping back up at 8 months post partum and I'm scared to keep gaining. I'm 236 lbs and need to be healthier for me and my family! I welcome any tips!


  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Vegetarian or not makes no difference to weight loss (though you may need to watch protein intake a little more closely to minimize muscle loss). Log your food, have a reasonable deficit (not *too* big) and you can do it!
  • rherring2
    rherring2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm pescatarian but only do fish once or twice a week. Most of my meals are made up of brown rice, quinoa, or lentils with veggies and tofu. It seems to be working pretty well so far! I also do protein smoothies with fruit and spinach for a filling breakfast. has some great recipes and tips on how to meal prep for the entire week.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Yes! I did this with my first pregnancy...became vegetarian the day my son was born and on his 18 month birthday I had Pizza Hut meat lovers pizza. 18 months of no meat, along with exercise 4/5 days a week worked for me
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm a vegetarian too. I find that trying to up my protein and reduce carbs helps. And tracking every day! Good luck!
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    I'm also pescatarian, but usually only eat fish when we eat out. I also try to eat mostly whole foods and pass on packaged and processed as much as I can (and resist the Goldfish crackers that seem to find their way into the house for the 2 year old). I had a week where I was eating more bread but still keeping to my calorie limits and the scale didn't budge. Could be a coincidence, but anything that motivates me to make better choices is a plus!
    I will add that it is just as possible to be unhealthy on a vegetarian diet as a omnivore diet, but sometimes making any change in diet forces you to think more about your food choices, and that can have a really positive impact. When I started eating vegetarian I had to learn new recipes, so I tried to choose healthy new recipes. Good luck, and let us know what works for you!