How many calories are you eating now?



  • goldenvic
    goldenvic Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm restarting. Was sleeved 2 1/2 years ago. started back eating 1200 calories, higher protein, but have now gone to 1200-1400. I was really hungry so added the 200. Though I haven't gotten 1400 yet, an extra yogurt has helped.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    VSG 12/15. Heaviest 309, current 160. 48y.o and 5'5". I maintain around 1800-2000. Decided to get the last 10lbs off so I am dropping to 1400-1600.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I probably consume about 2,000-2,500 a day. I don't focus so much on calories as on the type of food. Try to stay away from processed carbs and added sugar. I almost never eat "fast food". I eat lots of fish, beans, fruits, veggies. And I walk - A LOT.
  • imboswell
    imboswell Posts: 104 Member
    Start weight 217 cw 175 - I am also on a restart I am staying within 800 to 1000 to try get get these last 20 lbs off. I am doing protein drink for breakfast, lunch and snack with a salad for dinner. I don't feel hungry but my mind keep saying to eat. I can only eat over 1000 if I am eating slider foods. I am not sure why I stopped losing at 170. The lowest I got to was 168 then up 2 down 2. I am hoping with this restart I will start to see some movement.
  • georgiegirlma72
    georgiegirlma72 Posts: 14 Member
    How do we know what to set our levels at for daily percentages of protein, fat and carbs?