How to stop exercise increasing daily calorie limit?

jc837 Posts: 2 Member
When you record exercise into your diary (either through the fitbit or manually) the amount of calories allowed for the day increases to account for the exercise. Is there a way to stop this? I don't want to eat more just because I've done a bit of exercise.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    This is how MFP is designed. Either disconnect your Fitbit or purchase premium, which allows you to not add exercise calories in.
  • jc837
    jc837 Posts: 2 Member
    I have disconnected my Fitbit I was just hoping there was a way I hadn't discovered. Thanks for the info
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    I am having trouble disconnecting my Fitbit? I can hit disconnect but it seems to be automatically reconnecting? Any suggestions?
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    @mrsjatty Where are you disconnecting? From MFP app page or from FitBit? In some cases, you will need to disconnect from both, as disconnecting from one doesn't always go through. Since they use your login credentials, when you log back into one of the sites, it automatically re-enables the sync.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    jc837 wrote: »
    When you record exercise into your diary (either through the fitbit or manually) the amount of calories allowed for the day increases to account for the exercise. Is there a way to stop this? I don't want to eat more just because I've done a bit of exercise.

    Then don't? There's no rule that says you have to eat back the exercise calories that MFP "gives" you. That said, if you burn a lot of extra calories through exercise, the healthier option is to eat back at least half of them.
  • jessi1199
    jessi1199 Posts: 25 Member
    Why even get a fitbit if you aren't going to use the information? Just a thought! Even if you choose not to eat all of them back, it's good to see what you've done. And if you don't trust fitbit, then why use one?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Because some people are just sure that their guess of activity level from 4 options is more accurate than a Fitbit seeing what you do all day long.

    Or they don't understand what is really going on.
  • Healthygeekster
    Healthygeekster Posts: 10 Member
    When you go to the Exercise settings in MFP there is an option to turn off the Adjustment from exercise. You can still see the adjustment in your daily log at the bottom but it will not adjust your actually Daily calorie goal. Let me know if you have any questions. It works well for me
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    When you go to the Exercise settings in MFP there is an option to turn off the Adjustment from exercise. You can still see the adjustment in your daily log at the bottom but it will not adjust your actually Daily calorie goal. Let me know if you have any questions. It works well for me

    This option is only available for Premium members
  • pierce304
    pierce304 Posts: 11 Member
    I had this problem also. What I did was find out how many calories I was allotted with NO exercise through MFP. Then, I went into the fitbit app and set that calorie amount as a custom amount. When I workout, it is logged into the fitbit app and it does NOT transfer over to MFP...but that works for me, bc I do not want to add those exercise calories into my day. My food diary transfers over to fitbit, but my exercise stays only at the fitbit app. I hope this makes sense. For me, this works best.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited January 2017
    pierce304 wrote: »
    I had this problem also. What I did was find out how many calories I was allotted with NO exercise through MFP. Then, I went into the fitbit app and set that calorie amount as a custom amount. When I workout, it is logged into the fitbit app and it does NOT transfer over to MFP...but that works for me, bc I do not want to add those exercise calories into my day. My food diary transfers over to fitbit, but my exercise stays only at the fitbit app. I hope this makes sense. For me, this works best.

    That's probably not doing what you think it is.

    By Custom Amount on Fitbit - you probably mean your eating goal. Or perhaps your daily goal for calorie burn.

    Neither goal on Fitbit has a bearing on your daily calorie burn syncing oven to MFP to do math with - and doing calorie adjustments.

    I'll bet you don't have negative adjustments enabled on MFP, and your activity level on MFP is high enough - you get no adjustments.

    Only 1 thing syncs from Fitbit that has any bearing on your eating goal on MFP - your daily burn. And no settings on Fitbit change that.

    Or - for your desire of no adjustments - your syncing is broken, and that's a benefit to you right now.
  • pierce304
    pierce304 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, what I meant by "Custom Amount" was my eating goal. It is 1500 calories. I have tinkered with eating back all/some/none of my exercise calories for a long time. I know my body and it works best if I eat back some to none of my exercise calories. For me, I am able to reach my weight loss goal of roughly a pound per week if I am eating 1500 calories. This number may increase slightly if I have be very active and gotten a good workout, but usually I try to aim for 1500 calories. For whatever reason, I am not getting exercise calories added to my daily eating goal of 1500 calories and I like that.
  • no44s4me
    no44s4me Posts: 73 Member
    My FB TDEE, based off almost 2 years of data is approximately 3000 cals. Sedentary job, average of 11,000 steps daily, 3 one hour weight training sessions a week, 56 years old, 5'11', 195 lbs....yeah, no. like pierce304 stated, I know if I need to be in a 1lb per week deficit, it's 2000-2100 cals. Maintenance? 2400-2500. That's why I run MPF and FB in tandem. MPF for calorie accountability and FB to get off my a $$